Chapter 44 || You're together?

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"You slept together!?" Eva yelled out breaking my ear in one go as usual.

"Well yes," my head snapped toward Jaycee, the cute tilt of her head graced my lips with a smile, "but no."

Eva stared wide-eyed at us, her gaze alternating between us as her mouth hung low in confusion, "did you or did you not sleep together," she paused for a moment before adding in, word by word, "In one bed." 

"Wel-" Jaycee started again, only to be interrupted. 

"Don't you dare well me Jaycee!" her volume meter turned down a notch for which my ears were eternally grateful, my face however not so much. We'd been lucky enough to wake up and get ready before Eva otherwise well it would've been more screaming and less confusing glances.     

Though we hadn't exactly talked about telling anyone about it yet. But then again I wasn't exactly sure what there was to tell. Sure we'd kissed and then woken up in the same bed together and cuddled but still it wasn't like we were together yet. 

"Okay come on Lizzy's practically sleeping with you with her eyes right now," my eyes shot wide, my head lowering instantly.

"Slee- what does that even mea-?" Jaycee interfered and then well- then she looked at me.

You know, it sometimes surprises me how fast I turn tomato now. Sometimes I wished I wasn't so pale.

"One bed all clothes," Jaycee broke her gaze away from me, saying it all in one breath before walking right past Eva into the driver's seat.  

I watched in ecstasy as Eva's mouth slowly dropped. 

"Um," It felt like seconds as her lips gained a curve at the edges, her circle turning into an oval. I had about five seconds before I lost my eardrums. This was probably a good time to go. And I would've except that I'd never make it in time so you know, ear drums left first I left second.

Even after successfully making it to the passenger seats and shutting both my door and car window, I could somehow hear her voice echoing in my ears. A very very loud "No wayyy!!" that dragged on longer than I thought was humanly possible. Maybe it was that I was just excited if not more about it or maybe because she was just that loud. 

I gazed toward Jaycee, her eyes were squinted and her brows furrowed, an expression all too much like mine. It definitely was not just me. We shared a silent moment of understanding. 

I gazed past her toward an old man standing just across the road. His eyes shifted from Eva to me just as I noticed him. I saw the excruciating pain on that old man's face as the water from his watering can dribbled out all over the grass patch next to him. Jaycee's eyes followed mine. 

"Im just gonna drive," she said under her breath and I nodded furiously, the engine shot up and we started off with a smooth acceleration. I let out a thankful sight over the relief I finally felt in my ears. 

"I don't get how that's even possible," I started, squeezing my earlobe to relieve it a little more. 

"It's Eva, anything's possible," My eyes drew to her hand on the gear, watching as her fingers smoothly shifted forward and then into the right corner, her eyes never leaving the scene ahead of us. My eyes lingered there for a few minutes, my bottom lip finding its way between my teeth. 

Her hand randomly reached again but this time, it went past the gear and reached directly into my lap. Her other hand swiftly turned the steering wheel while her fingers found their way between my own, intertwining slowly enough to send currents through my arm. I smiled like a five-year-old with a unicorn as she placed our locked hands onto her leg.

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