Chapter 8 || Ready to go?

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Stepping out, without allowing myself to gaze at her, I turned to shut the door close. It took me everything I had to keep a calm expression as I turned to face the girl in front of me. The bedsheets gracefully wrapped around the spot she occupied.She sat at the edge of my bed, her muscles visibly tense, holding her tight in place. Her sight fixed on me as I viewed her.

"Feeling better?" She questioned, a hint of worry present in her voice. She watched me with such empathy that it reminded me how delicate she really was. I knew I was on thin ice. One wrong step, and I'd be shooting an arrow of guilt aimed directly at her.

I nodded. I didn't want to hurt her. All she had done was try to make me feel comfortable. I'd only made it harder on her. I couldn't do that anymore. Perhaps it would just be easier if I agreed. How had I even ended up here? Just a few days ago I was going about my life, like normal. Well as normal as my life got.

"I'll go with you," My voice was airy. I witnessed as a small smile crept its way up her lips.

She got up, using her arm for balance. Making her way to me, she stood with her arms opened outward once more. Her eyes watched me expectantly as my line of sight moved from one arm to another. I froze as I contemplated my next move. Embarrassment washed over me when I realized how awkward of a situation I'd left her in. With slow steps, I moved toward her until my chin rested on her shoulder. Excitedly, she wrapped both her arms around me. I could almost feel her lips stretching to her ears against my face. Accepting my fate, I rested my palm against her waist while my other arm hung loosely against her side.

"Amazing!" she exclaimed as she pulled away. I couldn't make myself meet eyes with her. I stared at anything but her as she continued, "I'll get Anna to pick us up."

I nodded, unsure of what to say. Without uttering a word, I excused myself from the situation. My steps were quick as I rushed down the stairs. With each step, my heart pounded in my chest. I could hear Eva talking on the phone. With every breath I took, I heard her moving closer and closer to the point. The weight of the decision I had just made rested heavily on my shoulders. I knew going with Eva meant I'd be diving headfirst into a world that I didn't even want to accept.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I made my way toward the kitchen. The grey countertops and empty shelves awaited my arrival. Grabbing a clean glass, I lightly held it underneath the water dispenser. In a steady stream, the warm water poured out into the glass. Without hesitation, I consumed it all in one breath. I could feel the warmth making its way through my body. It felt as if it flowed through my veins.

I paused for a moment, taking in the familiar surroundings. I was soon to be in a strange home filled with people that I knew nothing about. Just a couple of days ago, my main worries were my contemplation about dinner or school. Now, as I stood in the kitchen, awaiting a stranger to take me away, I couldn't help but wonder what had really happened. It didn't make sense how something could change so drastically in such little time. It wasn't fair.

My thoughts were put to a halt by the harsh interruption of the doorbell. It was time. I couldn't ignore the truth any longer. I realized that the end of the week meant that Eva would insist on keeping me for the weekend. I would have no excuse. After all, I didn't have anywhere to be. I didn't have anyone to meet. She knew that. It hadn't hit me how far I'd really let her in till today. I almost wished I could back and prevent my younger self from telling her it all.

I took a deep breath. I didn't know what awaited me, but I knew I'd rather not find out. It wasn't my choice anymore. Eva walked toward the door, without a second thought, she opened it. Anna stood there, a knowing smile on her face. Stepping out, Eva gazed back at me, waiting for me to follow. I couldn't back out now. I'd be a coward. Ignoring every dark warning in my mind, I pushed my feet forward. My hand hesitated on the doorknob before finally closing it shut.

Parked right ahead was the same car that Jaycee had dropped me off in before. As we moved closer to the car, I felt a mix of fear and excitement intertwine with me. Both feelings originated from the same cause. Uncertainty. No matter how much I tried to push the little bit of hope down, hoping that it would all work out, I didn't succeed. I made myself comfortable in the back seat while both of them occupied the front.

"Ready to go?" Anna questioned looking at me from the front mirror.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Good!" She stated before starting the engine.

I rested my forehead against the window along the smooth car ride. Anna and Eva continued their daily conversations. Their voices became a calming hum in the background. I tried to focus on the passing scenery that stood outside the car doors. It distracted me from the nervous energy that coursed through me. Every now and then, I'd catch Eva's gaze on me, her eyes both filled with concern and anticipation.

As we arrived at our destination, I took in the sight of the home that I'd been previously brought to. It was the same modern home with lush plants in a clean line outside. I stood at the entrance admiring the new setting ahead of me. Standing by my side, Eva gently squeezed my hand. She had a warm and inviting look in her eyes.

"Will I be able to step in?" I questioned.

"Try it!" She declared. After seeing the questioning 'really?' expression on my face, she spoke again, "No you won't get stuck." Yet I still didn't believe her. It wasn't about trust. It was more that she knew me enough to want to mess with me. "I promise," she spoke. Her eyes seemed genuine. I stepped forward till I was right against the door.

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