Chapter 43 || Better looking

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"Hey girls," Anna's voice tore through the current between us. "Eva is fast sleep with the pup, looks like we're staying here for the night," I looked toward Jaycee as she nodded, "Jaycee can sleep with me tonight if you need some space Lizzy," she finished.

My eyes bore into Jaycee's again, my mind instantly aware of my answer as my hand instinctively gave hers a squeeze, drawing her attention toward the contact. 

I thought for a moment, trying to put my thoughts into words, preferably in the least desperate way possible. "Um... I don't," I looked back at her, my head tilting in hopes that I wouldn't have to explain why I wanted to be in bed with her daughter. Unfortunately, all that resulted in was a furrow in her brows as her eyes shifted to Jaycee for an answer instead. I just knew the amusement on Jaycee's lips right now. 

I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure of how to proceed. "Well, I was hoping..." I started again but then her gaze switched back to me and there went the little bits of confidence I had left. Jaycee's eyes trailed toward our hands, her head lowered. How come she was all quiet now? 

I watched Anna again, the words stuck in my throat, "Alright well, I'll see you tomorrow," Jaycee spoke, her hand tearing away from me as she swiftly got up. Panic surged through my bones and I got up right after her, gripping her forearm to stay close. My body faced her side, my other hand nearly brushing her hand. My eyes watched her but hers stayed set on Anna, her face out of my view. 

She was really going to make me say it out loud, wasn't she? 

"I was wondering if I could..." Why wouldn't the words come out?

"Okay then," Anna cut through, shooting us both an unreadable look before swiftly shutting the door and leaving. You can bet I thanked every name I could ever think of. 

Jaycee shook her head lightly, letting out a soft chuckle, "Lucky."

"Why do you do this to me," I replied bowing my head, lowering my head to hide the smile tracing my lips.

"Want me to take the floor?" she asked, making me tug lightly on her arm in annoyance. "Floor it is," she said starting to take steps toward the door.

"No!" I began and it came out louder than I expected it to, making me flinch as I reminded myself to lower my voice, "Please."

"Say it," she added and I furrowed my brows. I'd be lying if I said a part of me wasn't enjoying this even though another part was absolutely dreading every word being spoken. 

"I want you to.." I began again, keeping my voice near to a whisper, "sleep with me," 

"Okay," she laughed, turning to face me completely. Her fingers gently trailed over my cheek, her thumb making me shyer with every gentle stroke. I avoided her gaze, mostly without choice.

Her hand intertwined with mine led us out the door. I followed behind as she guided me toward the bedroom that seemed to be somewhere through the darkness. It surprised me just how much I managed to miss in this house. The first time around because I was focused on the whole vampire deal and now because of the paradise grasping my hand.

She switched the lights on, making me squeeze my eyes in terror. It took a moment and a lot of flickering before I could finally see again. It was a typical bedroom. The walls were wooden as was the rest of the house. There was a queen-sized simple bed in the middle of the room, equipped with white sheets. There were two bedside tables on each side and shelves in the corner of the rooms with plants. 

She left me to sit on the bed as she freshened up in the bathroom. I spent that time switching between observing the walls and getting shy and nervous thinking about what just happened a few moments ago. Who was I becoming?

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