Chapter 4 || Make us wait

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"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You'll see" Eva replied, walking shoulder to shoulder with Anna. They whispered to each other in such hushed tones that I questioned if they even understood each other. Jaycee walked beside me and I'd be lying if I didn't forget how to walk everytime I looked at her. We walked along the bustling sidewalks of the city, turning a corner every couple of minutes.

I admired the majestic sight of the city at this hour of the night. The area stood illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights and flickering signs. The cold air flared through my nostrils sending harsh chills down my spine. Yet my body remained at a preferable temperature. Perhaps it was the constant movement that helped regulate it. The scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air with every gust of wind.

Before I knew it, we walked along beautifully structured homes. The neighbourhood was reminiscent of my own. I didn't understand how Eva convinced me to follow her around on the streets, but the beauty made it all worthwhile. I remained trapped by my musings till I almost bumped into the woman before me as she came to a sudden halt.

"We're here," She spoke as a small smile crept up her face.

"Where's here?' I questioned, putting emphasis on 'here'.

"My friend's place," This time the voice belonged to Jaycee. After taking a brief look at me, she walked up the pathway. Once she reached her destination, she pulled out a set of keys and inserted one in while the rest of them dangled against her hand, creating a noisy jingle every few seconds. Judging by the ease with which she found the right one, I assumed it was muscle memory. I was still a little taken aback by the strangers that I had given my night to. They seemed friendly, but I didn't get why their presence was necessary or what all the vampire gibberish was about. I had so many questions, but patience seemed like the best option in this situation.

"You have the keys to your friend's home?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"We're close" She spun around to face me before completing her 360 and stepping inside. 

The others followed suit. Strangely, they all stood in the doorway gazing at me as if waiting for me to pass a great obstacle. It almost felt as if they were a group of bullies looking down on me. A little anxious, I proceeded toward the women. Just as I was about to take a step inside, I froze. It was as if an invisible force was pushing me back. A powerful and unfamiliar feeling took hold. It was so intense that even breathing became a challenge.

Overwhelmed, I took a step back, gathering myself before I tried again. I likely had just stressed myself into believing that I couldn't. After all, it wouldn't be a new experience. This time, I took a few deep breaths, clearing my head before proceeding. Just like before, I stepped forward, fully confident that I would get through. Once more, I was forced into submission. A reminiscence of the feeling remained with me even when I stepped back. It felt like an unwanted leech in my body that had attached itself so deeply that I couldn't even get myself to try again.

I found myself unable to complete a task as simple as stepping through a door. Something that the ladies before me had performed with such ease. Their gazes remained set on me as they held back what I could only interpret as laughter. It made sense, I had just annihilated any respect they may have had for me. I likely seemed like an idiot not only to them but also to the on-goers in the neighbourhood.

"You're really going to make us wait here? Come inside Lizzy," Jaycee spoke, finally letting a smirk take hold. Jeez, this woman. Embarrassed, I contemplated simply running away but not letting the irrational thoughts take control, I decided to try one last time. Slowly I approached the door, afraid of letting the overwhelmingness soar through my veins once more.

To my surprise, I stepped through with such ease that I almost tripped. Catching my balance, I looked back as if expecting to see whatever had been holding me back. I met eyes with the overgrown vegetation that had invaded the house across. Dumbfounded, I turned around only to meet eyes with Jaycee. She stood so close that I could feel her warm breath lightly hitting my nose. I found myself caught in an intense blinking battle. Behind me, Anna and Eva had finally let laughter take control. Eva went full-out mad woman while Anna was more gentle. I finally let out a sigh when the woman in front of me stepped back, giving me room to breathe. She, too, seemed engulfed by the laughing fever. I couldn't say I blamed them, I would've too had I not been the source of the entertainment.

"Sorry, s-sorr," Eva tried to get out between laughs.

"It's okay, let it out I guess," I casually backed toward the wall as I replayed the amusement I had just provided to them in my mind. Awkwardly glaring, I waited for them to catch their breath.

"Come on," Jaycee led us in having been the first to calm down. She still retained a small smile on her face.

It appeared to be an average New York home. The only thing different I noted was the wooden interior that added a sort of warmth to the place. It seemed empty which left me feeling a bit peculiar. They didn't seem unethical enough to enter someone's home without their knowledge but then again they claimed to be 'vampires' so who knew? 

My doubts faded when I saw Eva let her body fall to the pull of gravity next to the couch. She let her arms stretch out as if coming home from a busy day. Jaycee and Anna started to prepare something in the kitchen while I looked back and forth waiting for someone to tell me what we were doing here. They all simply made themselves at home. Following in their footsteps, I took a seat on one of the couches. Seeing Eva's eyelids collapse, I decided to wait for the other two to come to interrupt her peace.

Instead, I sat there confused as to what really happened at the door. Had I really made myself so anxious that I couldn't even step through a door? Even with a brain like mine, it seemed a bit too unnatural.

After just a few moments, my attention shifted to the women as they walked in, one coffee mug in each of their hands. Jaycee handed mine to me, my fingers slightly grazed against her as I pressed the warmth against my hand. Her eyes never left mine for a second during the exchange. Afterwards, though, she took a seat herself while Eva finally sat up. Silence took hold as we sipped the coffees that they had gracefully prepared for us, until finally, Eva broke the air.

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