Chapter 7 || Beating heart

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My head snapped toward the door, hearing it open with such force that it almost hit the wall. She carried an expression of worry as she walked toward me. Her composure quickly shifted to take me in as she approached closer.

"Are you okay?" Eva questioned standing at an arm's length away from me. Just as she was about to take me in, I lightly shoved her back. Keeping my tear-filled eyes away from her gaze as I paced away from the situation.

The repeated slamming of lockers sent shivers down my spine. The unnoticeable flickering of a light bulb seemed as if it was beside me. The loud chatter of the students alone gave me a headache. I distinctly heard the ear-piercing sound of chalk scraping against a board. The echo of the footsteps ahead of me jolted me back into my little hide-out.

Once more, I hit the wall behind me sooner than I expected. Although the door was shut, and I had moved even further away from all the noise, it all remained clear as day to me. I pressed my arm onto my ears in hopes of blocking out the noise only to no avail. As I focused on the defeating noises in my ears, I started to lose my balance. Lowering myself down against the wall, I curled into myself.

The tears that I had so desperately been holding in finally escaped. To make it all worse, Eva remained right in front of me, watching me as I fell apart. Lowering herself down next to me, she wrapped her arms around me. She pulled me towards her chest, holding me tightly as if she was afraid of losing me. My sight fixed on the ground, my head tilted away from her own.

"You're okay," she repeated again and again, her voice soft as a pillow. "Focus on me, just me," she continued.

Following her orders, I shifted my attention towards her beating heart. I could feel the movement against her chest. Her heartbeat was slow but clear. It moved at a steady rhythm. I felt my own heart slowing down in sync with hers. My eyes regained their dryness as I slowly calmed down.

"There we go," she paused to look down at me, "See you're okay."

I lightly nodded as the embarrassment washed over me. We remained in that position till she decided to let me go. Once her grip came undone, I lifted myself. Moving my fingers over my face, I wiped away any tears that remained. Keeping my line of sight on the tiles, I walked out the doors. I kept up the pace till I stood outside the school gates. Looking around, I realized more time than I imagined had passed.

The area stood empty with only a few souls walking around. Staying on track, I strode towards my neighbourhood. Keen footsteps followed shortly behind me from the moment I stepped off the school property. Knowing it was Eva, I continued on my way somewhat worried about what she might have to say. I couldn't bear to come eye to eye with her anymore. Not after she'd seen me so vulnerable.

I had underestimated Eva's plans. I came to that realization when I stood outside my front porch with her right next to me. I plastered on the most expressionless expression I could muster up and turned in her direction. I stared at the ground right next to her.

"Why are you following me?" I questioned. My voice came out more broken than I had thought."I don't want you to be alone," she stated. I could feel her gaze burning holes into my front.

"You don't need-" she cut me off mid-sentence.

"Yes, I do!" She paused before continuing. "I'm taking you back with me once you feel better; till then I'm staying with you."

I briefly shifted my gaze toward her. Her expression was determined. Eva wasn't the kind to take no for an answer. Arguing back would be pointless. Unsure of what to say, I chose to avoid the situation for as long as possible. Stepping inside, I quickly went to my room while she made herself at home in the living room.

Throwing my bag on my bed, I paced back and forth in my space. I knew I had no control over Eva's decisions. She was the most persistent person I knew. A small creak put a halt to my racing mind. The familiar footsteps coming up the stairs only moved closer and closer. Just when I needed it, my mind went entirely void.

Just at the last moment, I rushed toward the bathroom, locking myself in. Just as the knob spun open, I turned on the shower. Deciding to make use of the already running water, I stepped into the shower. The warm water soothed my mind. Providing me with the most peace that I'd felt in the last couple of days. The comfort of those few moments was all that I desired.

Finishing up, I had to make peace with the thought of the girl waiting right outside. I had to face her. I had to at least try. Part of me yearned for more answers. But the other part of me, the part of me gripped by anxiety, wanted to pull me under. It whispered dark warnings, warnings to keep me from her. Perhaps it would be easier to have her by my side. Yet it all still sent chills down my spine. I didn't want to face her. It was all too much.

I wished so hopelessly that the previous events were all a dream. Because the reality, my reality had become a labyrinth of fear and uncertainty. I knew I couldn't hide forever, especially not in my bathroom. I couldn't let fear dictate my actions. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed forward. One hesitant foot after the other until I stood face to face with her.

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