thirty two.

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The amount of worry and stress I experienced over the babies possibly coming early was for nothing because three weeks later, I'm still as pregnant as ever. With every day that passes, we get closer to the safe zone for these babies to be delivered in good health, which is my only priority.

They'll come when they want to, and for now, they're still happy in my belly.

I have bigger worries on my mind because, unfortunately, the day has come for Nathan to return to work and I can't say any of us is happy about it.

"Daddy stay," Nova frowns, pointing to the sofa with an annoyed huff.

"I can't, baby, I need to go to work, but I'll be back before you even wake up," Nathan crouches to her level, but instead of accepting his goodbye, she runs off to her bedroom screaming. He sighs, standing up and turns to me, "Are you going to be okay with her?"

"Of course, I'll let her have a moment to herself first before I go in," it's not my first rodeo with Nova's tantrums.

She's gotten so used to Nathan being home from work the last six weeks that her reaction to him leaving again for the first time was to be expected.

"I'll message you when I get to the arena," he kisses me swiftly before he turns to the girls who are sitting on the sofa, watching television, "Behave for Iris please and help her with your sister. Remember, I love you, I'll be back later."

"Please be safe," Elise begs.

"Yeah, don't get hurt again, daddy," Addie adds.

"I'll be safe and won't get hurt," he agrees, picking up his gym bag from the floor. He looks at me, guilt written over his face, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I've got it, baby, just go, you're going to be late," I don't want to rush him out of the door, but it's better he isn't here when Nova comes back out; it'll only cause more upset.

"I love you, I'll see you tonight," he kisses me again.

"We love you most, have a good game," I murmur back, which earns me a grin-eating smile before he leaves.

Once the door closes behind him, I exhale a deep breath and brace myself to face Nova. However, as I approach Nova and Addie's room, the noise seems to have settled and when I walk in, she's fast asleep, stretched across her pillows.

"Of course," I mutter to myself.

Despite the fact it's still quite early in the evening, I'm going to allow her to sleep because it's only half an hour before bedtime; she's had dinner, so she won't be sleeping on an empty stomach at least.

Without waking her, I tuck her into bed and make sure her bunny is in arm's reach if she wakes throughout the night.

"Good night, sweetheart," I kiss her forehead.

I swiftly leave her room and waddle my way back into the main area of the house, where Elise is in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of water. Behind her on the windowsill is a large bouquet of tulips, which Nathan had bought me for Valentine's Day simply because they're my favourite, and only now, after two weeks, are they beginning to wilt.

"Nova has fallen asleep, so it's just me and you girls tonight," I announce.

Elise laughs, putting her glass down, "I'm glad, she's been extra evil today."

"I can't really disagree," I lean my elbows against the island, stretching my back, "So, what do you fancy doing?"

"Well, you need to lay on the sofa," she tells me straight, taking me off guard, "Dad told me that we're not allowed to bake and all you should do is lie down."

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