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Rapid knocks pound on my door with giggles filtering under it, "Iris, Iris, Iris? Are you in there, Iris?"

"I am, Elise, come in!" I laugh, closing my book.

The door creaks open and she jumps up onto my bed, "Daddy doesn't know I'm asking you this, but-"

"Elise!" Nathan's voice travels throughout the house and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Hurry," I whisper and she giggles.

"We're going to go see grammy, do you want to come too? She's very nice and I know daddy would like you to meet her."

I freeze, not knowing how to answer because this is Nathan's family and it isn't my place to practically invite myself, "Did you ask daddy if I could?"

"Not yet, but-"

"Okay, why don't you go ask daddy?" I suggest.

"I'll be right back," she whispers, running off, leaving my door wide open.

"Don't run, Elise and be careful on the stairs!"

Putting my book away on my bedside table, I stand up to stretch; I'd gotten lost between the pages of a romance, so much so that two hours had gone by. I rub my hand over my little bump and sit back down, waiting for Elise to update me. I'd love to meet Nathan's mother don't get me wrong, but it's still so early, I've only been living here three weeks and truth be told, I don't know what his family even know about me.

The story we've been going with is that I'm his friend and he's letting me stay until I can find a place to live, which is all true, however, no one has yet to question where he met me, or how we became friends. I fear his mother may have both of those up her sleeve and I simply don't have an answer that is suitable yet.

Footsteps much heavier than Elise's come up the stairs and within a few seconds, I'm greeted by Nathan walking into my room, with Nova on his hip.

"I sure am popular today," I joke.

He laughs before pouting at a whining Nova, "You're moody today, aren't you, Nov?"

"Oh dear, did someone not sleep great last night?" I ask and she looks at me with no facial changes, just her eyebrows pinched together in a frown. "You know, your daddy once told me that frowning gives you wrinkles, Nova."

"I started saying that because of these girls, not a care in the world between them," he scoffs, before turning to me, "Elise asked me to ask you to come with us, but I didn't know if you wanted to meet everyone yet, so I'm here to ask because you can say no to me."

"I'd like to, but I don't want to intrude," I say.

"You won't be intruding, Iris, it's my mom's birthday, and she'd love to see you there."

"Will it not be weird?" I find myself asking.

"Weird that my friend is coming with me to wish my mother a happy birthday?" he questions with a cheeky smile.

"So, that's all they know?" I ask, just getting the entire story before I say something they don't.

"They know you're living with me, so I will most likely get interrogated about that, but I'll stick to the story that you're here until you find a place," he explains.

"What about how we met?"

"What degree did you graduate with?" he randomly asks me.

I pull a face, "Accounting, why?"

"You work at the New York Rangers, we met through work," he explains and I catch onto what he's talking about.

"I'd never be able to get a job in such a place, look at me, Fields," I point to myself.

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