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Iris Rhodes.

Five years ago today, on the fourth of February, Addison Fields was born into this world. I've only known her for six months out of those years, but it's been such a joy to watch her grow in that time.

"Does it get harder?" I whisper over to Nathan.

He grunts, opening his eyes, "Does what get harder?"

"Birthdays; watching your babies grow up."

"They break my heart, but it also fills me with so much pride," he answers honestly, waking up further.

"I can't believe she's five today," I gently swipe my finger over the baby picture of Addie that is now kept framed on his bedside table, alongside pictures of Nova and Elise when they were born.

"It feels like it was only yesterday I was holding her for the first time," he admits, smiling over at the picture, "I miss it, she was so precious."

"Are you saying she is no longer?" I giggle, cuddling into his side.

"Of course not, but you have to admit she looks much quieter in this picture," he mumbles, which has me laughing more, "The newborn phase is by far the easiest, we're going to have our hands full when the twins grow up."

"Can we not?" I don't want to think about the twins ageing before they're even born.

"Sore subject?" he nuzzles into my neck and I sigh, holding him close, but not with much strength.

Now that his sling doesn't need to be worn constantly, I'm more weary of his shoulder than I was before, as difficult as that is to imagine, but I do find myself forgetting he's injured when we're lying in bed together. Nathan won't be fully healed for another almost four weeks, so until then, I need to be careful where I touch and hold him.

"They'll be awake soon, can I tempt you into having some us time?" he kisses my neck, and I gently hum, loving the feeling of his lips on me for the first time in a while, "Is that a yes, sweetheart?"

Before I can even contemplate it, twin B kicks me directly in the ribs, making me wince, choosing my answer for me; loud and clear. Deep down I so badly want to be with Nathan again, but I simply can't, so instead of listing every part of me that aches and is causing me pain, I admit an easier answer, "I'm so tired, baby, can we another time?"

"Of course, can I do anything to help?" he offers, and my heart warms at his reaction. No man I've ever been with has taken denial of sex well, they've either convinced me into doing so or left me in bed alone, so for him to keep me close after isn't something I've experienced before.

"This is just perfect," I mumble, stroking his face, "I love you; I don't tell you that enough."

He chuckles, "I love you too, always."

"I'll never get tired of this," I admit.

"Me neither; being with you is my favourite pastime."

We share a smile and just when I begin to reconsider his earlier suggestion of having some alone time, the door down the hall creaks opens, letting us know either Nova or Addie is awake.

"Let's go see the birthday girl," I grin, pushing myself up in bed to sit.

Unexpectedly, when I open the bedroom door, Nova is waddling down the hall in our direction, and when she spots us, she grins wildly, "Hi, daddy, Bailey and mommy."

"Hey, baby, did you sleep well?" I can only chuckle at how much she's grown up recently.

With neither of us able to pick her up because I'm thirty-one weeks pregnant and Nathan's injured, Nova has become so independent. At first, it was difficult and there was a fair share of tantrums, but she's now gotten used to the fact, and knows she can always be held on the sofa.

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