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The next morning I found a pink sticky note on my door with the words 'my favourite colour is purple' and a smile spread to my face. I found out six new things about him that day, finding pink sticky notes around the house left for me. I ordered a pack of purple ones later that night and started writing my own for him.

A week of living with Nathan has taught me a lot; he is the best dad to his daughters, and he makes amazing sandwiches, but he also is a gym addict. Granted his body looks amazing for it, but I've never worked out as much in my life as he does in a single day; it's incredibly humbling.

With Baby Bean - their new nickname - on the way, a return to the gym for me will not be happening just yet. I'm exhausted all the time, but apparently, the fatigue I'm feeling should stop when I enter the second trimester; the sickness too hopefully.

Almost two weeks of known pregnancy and today is the day I finally have my appointment. Nathan's driving, I'm in the passenger seat with a bag in my lap just in case my breakfast wants to make a reappearance, and Nova is singing along to Moana in the back. Elise and Addie are in school, so it's just us and Nova today; Nathan said he'd ask for his parents to look after her, but she's no bother, so I told him she can just come with us.

The drive takes twenty minutes in steady traffic and once there, Nathan opens the door for me on his way to get Nova out. The princess treatment he's been giving me lately hasn't gone unnoticed, but it's all for Bean I keep telling myself.

"Hand, Iris," Nova gives me grabby hands when her dad stands her on the floor. I hold out my hand for her to take and she holds her dad's with the other, and we take the very slow walk into the gynaecology office.

Nathan sits down with Nova while I check in, and before I can take a seat in the waiting room, my name is already called. He stands, putting Nova on his side and he follows me down the hallway into the doctor's room.

"Good morning- Oh," the nurse stumbles over her words as soon as she sees Nathan. I'm immediately hit with jealousy and worry.

He is quick though, "I can get an NDA, but due to patient confidentiality you can't say a thing."

Her cheeks burn red and she shakes her head, "Won't be needed, don't worry," she then turns to me, "If you'd like to take a seat, we'll get started."

The anxiety still sticks with me though, even when Nathan's hand reaches my thigh and he notices because as she types a few of my details, he leans over and whispers, "I'm still getting that NDA for her to sign."

"Thank you," I whisper under my breath.

"Dada?" Nova looks up at him.

"Want to go play with the toys?" he suggests, so she doesn't get too bored in here.

She nods and within seconds of putting her down she is into the building blocks in the far corner.

The nurse finishes her typing and then turns to me with a smile, "So, Iris, you think you're eight weeks along?"

"Yeah, tomorrow, I will be, my last period was July 7th."

"Okay, perfect, and how long do your periods usually last and are you regular?"

"Five days and every thirty-four days," I say, so no, I'm not regular but to me, I am.

"Okay, that's still normal, so we'll do some blood work, some measurements and then we'll do a scan just to check if you're measuring further along, is that all okay?"

"Yeah, that's totally fine," I shrug off my jacket since she needs my arm to abuse with needles. Nathan takes it from me and puts it on his lap, keeping it safe for me.

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