thirty four.

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Iris Rhodes.

After a long and exhausting labour, Avelie was finally born at 08:03 am, weighing five pounds three ounces, and her brother Sutton made his arrival twenty-seven minutes later, weighing only two ounces less at five pounds one ounce. His sister may weigh more, but he for sure is taller than her.

I expected for them to be small, but nothing could have prepared me when I first saw just how little they are.

Avelie begins to cry beside me from the bassinet, and Nathan immediately gets up before she wakes her brother who is sleeping in my arms, "Hey, what's up, little one? Is life already so hard that you're complaining to us about it?"

I chuckle, finding amusement in their wholesome interaction. He carefully joins me back in the bed, which is thankfully a double, not a single, so he doesn't need to sleep on the chairs tonight at least.

"So, now, you're fine?" he mutters, lying her down on his chest, "You just wanted to be held, huh?"

Leaning my head on his shoulder, I respond with a yawn, "She must take after me."

"Get some sleep, baby, you need to rest."

"I doubt I'll be able to," I admit, "My adrenaline is still high, I'm sure I'll crash soon. At least Sutton's sleeping."

"He is," Nathan looks down at our son, who's more than content in my arms.

"I can't believe they're here," I whisper, still in a daze from today's events. I gave birth to Avelie two hours ago now, and time has yet to catch up to me.

Due to tearing, I was in the delivery room getting stitches for a little over half an hour, so it wasn't until twenty minutes ago that we were moved up into this room.

"You did so well, Iris, I've never been prouder of someone in my life," he tells me.

"Thank you, Nath, I couldn't have done it without you there," I look at him with a tired smile, "It was so worth it in the end, and I would do it all over again for them if I had to, but fuck me, that was the hardest thing I've ever done."

Without Nathan by my side, holding my hand and supporting me through it, I doubt I would have been able to stay sane, especially during our son's delivery. Nothing could have prepared me for how painful it was to bring him into this world; I thought it would feel similar, or even easier, but God, was I wrong. Every push felt like I was dying; the ten-second durations of doing so were the longest ten seconds of my life.

"It's all over now," he murmurs, gently squeezing my leg, "You're okay, and the babies are here safe and healthy."

"And they are so perfect," I whisper, moving Sutton from my arms to my legs where he stretches out.

Nathan looks down at our son with a smile, "You are so cute, baby boy."

"He really is," I whisper, stroking his cheek, "He looks so much like you, Nath."

"You seriously think so?"

"Yeah, just look at him," I can't pinpoint a single feature on him that resonates with mine.

"He's got your nose," he says, and I hum, staring at our baby's facial features, "Avelie, however, is your double."

"I can't deny that," I glance over to see her lying on his chest, lips pouted as she sleeps.

They may both have my nose, but everything about Avelie is a copy and paste of me; her lips, ears, eyes, even her hair is dirty blonde, like mine once was when I was born.

Sutton begins to stir in my lap as soon as the attention is directed off of him, and I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of me, "Are you jealous of your sister, little man?"

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