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The cold bathroom envelopes me when I step out of the steamy shower, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms and legs while I attempt to dry myself as quickly as I can. My reflection in the mirror catches my attention and I frown as I turn to the side, dropping the towel.

It's still early morning, I haven't eaten breakfast or drank water yet, but my stomach is bloated as if I have. I gently touch my belly, expecting it to feel like usual, but it's much firmer; it's never felt like that before, which only means one thing, I'm starting to show already.

"Please just let me fit in this dress today, babies, that's all I ask," I beg, wrapping my towel back around my body.

With Nathan giving me less than a week to figure out what to wear to this wedding, I was lucky that I already had something in mind. The only issue now is I haven't tried it on since I bought it two years ago; I wasn't worried until now because it's the first morning I've seen a noticeable change in my body.

There are always other options, I tell myself, so instead of worrying too much about it, I take a seat on my bedroom floor in front of my long-standing mirror and start on my hair and makeup.

With rollers in my hair and my makeup done to as close to perfection as I can with my skills, I gently take my dress out of the closet and take down the zip. Nerves run through me as I step into the dress, it feels comfortable going up, but as soon as I try to zip it up, I can't like I used to, it won't move.

Full of frustration tears come to my eyes, and a lump in the back of my throat thickens; I just wanted to wear this beautiful, split-thigh, emerald dress and look presentable next to Nathan. I was nervous enough about going and meeting his people before this had to happen.

A knock on my door has me wiping away my tears and I take a deep breath before opening the door to Nathan, whose smile quickly drops when he sees my face.

"What's happened? Are you okay? Are the babies okay?" he rushes to ask.

"They're more than okay, which is why I have this issue," I turn around to show him my zip.

He clears his throat, and I look back with a frown, "You have no bra on?"

"What are you, twelve? Of course, I don't," I whine, turning around, "My zip won't go up, my stomach has grown overnight, my hips hurt and I want to curl up and die."

"Turn around," he whispers, holding my hips and turning me. He pulls the fabric together at the back, and I let out a shallow gasp when the zip goes up. "It was caught, it just needed a little help, Iris."

My first and only reaction is to cry, "Thank you, I thought it didn't fit me and I'd have to-"

"Shush, it's okay, wipe your tears, you're going to ruin your gorgeous makeup, sweetheart," he hands me a tissue from his pocket, and for the first time today, I take in his appearance.

"You look so handsome," I blurt out because he does; he's wearing a gorgeous black suit, and I've never seen him like this.

"And you look stunning Iris; really, you do," he says, and I take another breath as my anxiety eases slowly, "Now let me see these babies, you said they've grown?"

He lowers to the level of my belly and puts his hands gently on, and he looks up with a smile which I share with him, "I guess I'll be showing a lot earlier with twins, I thought we'd be able to hide this for a while."

"We can keep this to ourselves for as long as you want to; no one should speculate, it's not their business to do so, try not to worry," he assures me, and I nod, "I'm going to make you some breakfast, we're leaving in less than an hour, is that okay?"

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