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In perfect style, I leave the house, getting into Olivia's car, wearing Nathan's numbered jersey, hiding the bump perfectly and out of sight. I had worries that wearing his jersey would draw unwanted attention, but he assured me that a lot of people wear team jerseys to watch the game, only this is Nathan's, not some replica you can buy.

"You look amazing," Olivia greets me, and I smile, putting my seatbelt on.

"Thank you, so do you," I say.

"So, are you ready to see your man in action?" she asks, pulling out of Nathan's driveway.

"I am, but I'm nervous, their last game was..."

"Yeah, shocking, I know," she laughs.

"Questionable for sure," I'm not an expert, I've learnt the basic rules, but their previous game wasn't their best at all. Nathan had come home the day after still happy to see the girls and me, but his energy certainly wasn't the same.

"So, how are the babies cooking?" she asks.

I put my hand to my bump, "Sixteen weeks today, they're definitely cooking now."

"You'll be able to feel their kicks soon enough, get your sleep in now, mommy because you're going to need it once they get bigger," she tells me and I sigh, rubbing my bump.

"I honestly can't wait for the day," I admit, because with my nausea lifted, not having a constant reminder, I forget I'm pregnant sometimes because I'm now so adjusted to my new body.

"Do you guys have a plan on announcing the babies or are you both keeping it from the public?" she asks, and nerves filter through my body at the thought.

"Keeping it from the public eye as long as we possibly can," I nod more to myself than her.

We were lying on the sofa a few nights ago and were on the topic of conversation about the babies and his job, when Nathan asked, "Hey, do we want to go public with them before or after they're born?"

We hadn't spoken about this before, so I never thought about announcing our babies, especially to the world of nosey and opinionated people, even though deep down I knew one day it had to happen.

I looked up at him, "Can we keep them our secret for as long as possible?"

He had agreed that it would be for the best and told me that when the time ever does come, that scrutiny will be expected because the press loves to write gossip. He didn't need to warn me, I was more than aware of how dirty the press is with stories, they hear a tiny piece of information and run with it.

So far, no photos or information has been leaked about us, his family and friends have kept things quiet, and every nurse I've met has happily signed the NDA Nathan handed over. We're rarely out in public and when we are, no one has blinked an eye, to anyone I could be a nanny, we're careful.

"When the time comes, we will, of course, but we won't be doing a magazine or any extreme announcement, we're keeping it private like he's kept the girls," I tell her and she smiles, looking over at me.

"You're good for them, girl, I'm happy you're in his life, he's needed this," she tells me.

"I've needed this too," I say.

We change the conversation to something much more casual and in no time we're pulling up at Madison Square Garden, into the busy parking lot.

"Do we think we'll even get a parking space?" I ask out loud, shocked by the turnout of people.

"Of course; we're going into the private parking lot; did you think security let the guys out into this chaos?" she chuckles, and I shake my head at myself, of course, they don't.

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