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Turning over in bed, I go to cuddle up to Nathan but find myself cuddling up to my pillow; a sad little thing I've gotten used to in the past, but didn't expect this morning.

"Nath?" I blink my eyes open, finding no one, but a purple sticky note left on his pillow. I lazily grab it and blink a few times before I start to read.

'If you're reading this, no, I haven't abandoned you...'

I stifle a laugh, he knows me too well.

'Stay where you are, I'll be with you very soon. I hope you slept well, gorgeous.'

He may know me well, but clearly not enough to think I'm going to listen when he tells me to stay. I'm too nosey to wait, especially considering I don't know how long ago he left, I could be waiting ages.

With much effort, I get out of bed and put my pyjamas back on, not that I wore them for long last night, and head into my bathroom to pee. I had gotten up three times through the night to do so, the babies are getting bigger and my bladder has become their personal punching bag.

Once I've washed my hands, I slide into my slippers and head downstairs, the smell of breakfast hitting my nostrils, causing my stomach to twist with hunger. He's making breakfast, isn't he?

"Did you not see my note?" Nathan asks before I can even reach the kitchen to sneak up on him; he must have heard me walking down the stairs.

"I did, but I'm disobedient and impatient," I admit, walking over. He's holding a frying pan, wearing only his boxers, completely shirtless, showing off all of his tattoos I've only seen a handful of times.

He turns around with a smile, "I didn't expect anything less to be honest. I'm making you breakfast."

"You didn't have to," I tell him.

"I know," he puts his hands on my hips, bringing me closer to him, "I wanted to."

"Such a gentleman," I muse and he presses a kiss to my lips, short and sweet, "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, it's my pleasure."

"Well, I appreciate it," I tell him with sincerity.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks, taking the scrambled eggs of the heat.

"I did; did you?" I sit down on my stool at the island, only just being able to do so; soon enough I won't with the bump growing.

"Yeah, so much so that I didn't bother waking up for the gym," he brings over two plates of sausage, bacon and scrambled egg and I smile, picking up my fork, "And you know, the company was nice too."

"Yeah, I could get used to it myself."

"So, I haven't scared you off yet?" he chuckles, sitting down next to me and I smile, shaking my head.

"Unfortunately I think you're stuck with me, Fields," I tell him.

"I couldn't be happier about that, Rhodes," he squeezes my thigh.

He makes me happy and continues to prove that I've made the right decision by trusting him and letting him into my life; something I swore I'd never do again.

He isn't like my parents or ex-boyfriends, he's simply Nathan and all I've ever needed. He's an incredible father and a wonderful partner and though I know we are going to have our arguments, he's mature, he won't throw things back in my face to one-up himself. I know it's a risk to my heart, but I'm willing to risk it all even if I only have him momentarily.

Pushing my heavy thoughts away, I take a bite of my food before the babies think I'm starving them, and I have to hold back a moan; I've never appreciated food more than I have done in the last month, it's just so good.

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