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I was getting ready because it was grad, and that means Gaige, Tiffany, Kole, and I will be steps closer to leaving the school.

The sad thing is that I had to do everything myself since my Mom was dead, my sister can't come here, and Tiffany and Aubree, where Busy with their own things like grad. Since Aubree's brother was graduating as well. When I finished putting on my dress, I started on my makeup, which was when Tiffany helped me with my hair, since she was done. We were getting ready at the school but when I was done, I saw kole, and he saw me he walked up to me and said, "Wow, you look like a princess."

I blushed and said,"Then that makes you my prince."

He blushed graded my hand and kissed my hand. Then Sage yelled,"Ew gross."

We both rolled our eyes, and then that was when we were put in a line to walked are parents well not mine, wince they ain't around. When ut was mine turn, I was given a rose to hand to my mom, but the day before Kole's mom said she would talk the flower, since I was dating kole. I was grateful for that, and then I sat on stage. And it was nerve-wracking I could see, everyone's parents, then when kole walked down, the aisle.

I was surprised that kole sat next to me, but it was great since I held his hand since I was scared, stupid stage fright.

Kole's pov

When we finally waked I down the aisle, I was glad my mom had offered to get Nova's flower that was meant for, her mom but my mom had heard that Nova's parents died my mom had help Nova with some things. When I gave her my flower, I walked uo the stage and sat next to Nova. She had stage fright, so when j got up there and sat down, she went rate for my hand.

Hayden's pov

When kole and Nova sat down, I saw that they were holding hands. I found it cute, and since Grayson's family sat in front of me, and the only reason that they were here, because the school,  wanted them to see the class that Trystan was with, for the longest time, graduat. So I taped Grayson on the shoulder and said,"Nova and Kole are holding hands."

He looked at them and said,"Aw, they are, that is so cute."

I nodded then when everyone was on the stage, then surprisingly Kole, got called to say a speech.

The speech, I would like to thank everyone in are life's that, helped us, and the ones that we lost, that helped us mature, and so we became what we are now. And I would like to say everyone was amazing in what we did, to pass our classes so injoy everyone in their future indevers.

After kole speech they called awards. Nova won one, and so did Kole, which Kole winning an award was shoock8ng to say the least.

Nova's pov,

When they gave everyone, or everyone who got an award, it was time, for the Parade, which everyone in grad, has their own vehicles that drive down Main Street and then by the school. Be and call thought it was a good idea to share. A vehicle avia customs for dating. So we got set up at the school. Then we all did that, and everyone was ready. It was time to go.

Me and kole were standing in the box of his dad's truck as we waved at people as we passed them.

When  the Parade was over. I went over to Cole's house since their family were having the celebration there, and I was invited since I really wasn't gonna have a celebration and had me set it up.

And today was when everyone was, so I think Nathan's  family rented a bus for us to travel around in to go to everyone's graduation party.

When they picked us up, almost everyone was on the bus. All the girls didn't have their dress on, but most of the guys bid. And we were told we could take people with us, so I took, Grayson, kole took Hayden his brother, Giage surprisingly took Aubree and Tiffany took Edward with her. Even if her brother didn't want her to take hum, I was surprised that Tiffany had a twin and he was in our class.

After a long bus ride that most of us weren't sober, when we all got dropped off, we slept off most of our hangover, but we had a big grad party to go to. The best day, around 8:30 we had to be there.

So Nathan, Tyler, Aubree, Grayson, Kole, Hayden, Tiffany, Edward, and I just stayed at my house until it was time to go to the party.

It was really big there was, around 50 to 100, people at the party, but other then that, it was cool, and when the clock struck midnight we set off fireworks, as we all cheered that we are finally out of school, well after are, finals, then we are done school for now. After the fireworks, all the people in are class, got shots, and then we set up someone's phone and made sure all of us, where in the shot and hit record them we all took a shot, then we stopped the video and sent it to the group chat. Then I couldn't remember the rest of the party.

But when I woke up, I was cuddling Kole, I was about to fall back asleep when we heard a scream, that was Tiffany, so we all ran to the guest bedroom and then when we bid, we saw, Sage and Edward in the same bed, and they both where naked, so we kinda knew what they bid so I kicked them out of my house and Tiffany broke up with Edward.

Then we all realized that it was 7 in the morning and we had one of our finals in 2 hours, so we all started to study, I was so glad I only had one Example, that was today sort of today. It was surprising that kole also only got one exam Tiffany had two.

So when we all finished studying, it was time to take the exam. So when we bid, and after a week, we all passed. So now Me Kole and Giage had to pack to get ready to go to the college, since we three are the only people who got into the same College.

A year later

We had to come back to town for Grayson and Aubree's Grad and the party. And it was super fun as well.

Aubree's dress was, Purple that was really cute on her, and Grayson was the best boyfriend he wore a purple tie for her.

The next year, it was Hayden's grad, so we bid the same. Enjoy his grad and party.

Hayden was waring the same clothes the Gaige wore for his grad, aka the green dress shirt, and black pants shoes and tie.

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