The Funeral

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Nova's pov

I was getting ready for the funeral. It was a hard couple of days. Today was the day we were. It's supposed to go back to school, but our school held us back on where they eat. So you wouldn't have to go to school before the funeral.

I was waring black jeans and a black fancy shirt. That was when Kole pulled up, I was going to the funeral with Kole, Hayden, Tiffany, and Edward.

When I got to the truck, everyone was quiet, and Tiffany wasn't in the truck, but Edward was. That was when Edward had said that her brother had told her she couldn't go, I was surprised that she had a brother, but I stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.

When we got to the hall since Trystan's family didn't want to have his funeral at the church since they weren't religious.

So when we got their, we all put on the friend table that had a lot of chairs, it held mine Gaige's and Kole's class, Hayden, and more. Grayson did sit with us.

Everyone was talking. That was when Trystan's mom started talking, but after a bit, she started to cry. So his Dad took over, and then after that, we all went quiet to pay respect to the family, and then they put on a slide show. It had Trystan in different stages of life, so I started to cry, I looked over since, Kole sat on one side of me and Grayson on my other, he was also crying so I hugged him and comfort him since, Aubree had a family thing which she wished she could be here for Grayson. Then kole had started to comfort me, which just made me cry even more.

When that was over, we got food, served to us, and we were eating, as we all talked to each other. It was  our grade 12 year, and this should happen. Well, I guess last year the two girls shouldn't have been put in prison, but they get let out in another month. When it was over, we all went to Grayson's place to just hang out with Grayson, Tiffany's bid, go with us to Grayson's place.

We sat their for a bit, just trying not to think about Trystan, but that didn't work, so we sat talking about him and what our best memories of him were.

Mine was when I was cheering him up at the mud fling and the keychains that were the cookie and the milk.

Kole's best memory was when they were on Dirtbikes, and they were ripping in mud when Kole had flipped over his handle bars, kole almost broke his arm, but Trystan thought he bid, so Trystan had rushed them home. Trystan realized that kole was okay.

Hayden's best memory of Trystan was it was during the summertime, and Kole, Trystan, Grayson, and him were camping. It was the morning, and Grayson and Him were sleeping in their tent when Trystan and Kole started to make animal noise, and then they slammed their hands onto the tent and scared them awake.

It was Grayson's turn, and so the best memory of Trystan the Grayson had was when Trystan had, let Grayson go to his first party. He had really injoyed the party. It was at Kiarra's place, and that was when Trystan had told home that him and Kiarra were dating.

That was when Trystan's and Grayson's parents put a pizza on the table for us, and then Trystan's dad said, "I'm glad you all are here for Grayson in this sad time."

We nodded, and then I said,"we are friends with Grayson and Trystan, so we are here for Grayson if he needs us."

They nodded , and Grayson said,"Thanks, you guys, for being here."

We all nodded and then enjoyed the pizza.

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