meeting everyone

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We all got out of the truck when everyone walked up to us, and one of the guys that was with them said,"Who are these people."

Scott walked up to him and said,"Well, these people are friends of My buddy Kole," then he pointed at us and said our names were.

The guy rolled his eyes as Scott told us their names. The guy the first talked was Kaden, there was a guy with long hair named Richie and then there was the other guy waring a hat and had his phone out. My name was Bear, which was a nickname. I hope.  Then, the two girls' names were Jenny and Angelique.

Jenny then said,"sooo is Nova sleeping with me in the house or with the guys."

Scott's dad said,"Well, it is up to her."

I nodded and then said,"I really don't care. I want to just put my things away."

Jenny nodded, and then I followed her to the house to put my things way as the guys and Angelique went to the other places to put their things away. When that was done, we all met as the others had to get to practice. So Kole, Grayson, Gaige, and I had to watch them Dirtbike around and practice.

All of us got bored, then Bear's mom walked up to us and said, "I need a little help making lunch if you want to help I know that is is a vacation for you all."

The guy just watched the teen practice as I volunteered to help Tanya, or Bear's mom, with lunch. After we all finished making sandwiches for everyone. Then they were called to eat as we all sat eating, we all got bombarded with questions, which were pretty easy, until, Bear asked if u was single, I looked at kole them said,"Nope."

Bear got upset with my answer, kole had blush on his face because of what I said looking at him and Grayson, and Gaige had big smiles on there face that was when Gaige said,"noway you two are dating since when."

Kole looked down and said,"Well, it had been a few days, I guess."

Which was a lie, but hey, I didn't mind dating Kole, so ya. Grayson looked at em and said,"You two were hiding it no way."

I nodded then siad,"ya we kinda bidn't want to tell anyone just in case it didn't work out."

Gaige and Grayson nodded, but Scott and the rest looked like they had questions when Angelique said,"Why were you hiding it."

We all froze, and I just said,"umm well things happen in are two quite a lot, and knowing are two things would get out of hand."

Scott then asked, "How so."

Grayson, Gaige, kole, and I looked at one another and said,"You really don't want to know."

After we finished, Kole wanted to talk to me, so I followed him. When we got away from everyone, kole said,"So are we actually dating now?"

I looked at the ground and blushed, then said,"Well, I didn't know what to do to ask you, so when I was asked if I was single, I took everyone what I wanted."

Kole nodded and then said,"Then it's OK if I do this then."

I looked up at him as he grabbed my waste, and then he kissed me.

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