run Gaige Run

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After I finished cooking, we all sat down to eat. Trystan opened the door and followed by Aubree and Grayson. Gaige put down his plate, and then Aubree ran at Gaige. He jumped up over the couch even if it hurt him.

He was back in a corner and then Grayson grabbed, Aubree then said,"hold up Aubree, let's hear this all out and then if you don't like the answer then you can beat him up."

Aubree nodded, and then they sat on the couch with me and Gaige standing in front of them. We then spent a few minutes explaining our side when Aubree said,"So you are saying that Beau beat up Gaige, good."

Grayson nodded and then said,"ya I don't see too much wrong with it, but I think that Gaige has been beat up enough for a while."

Aubree nodded and then said,"Come on, Gary, let's go before I beat him up again."

As they left the house, Trystan said,"I believe you two, but i think that you should keep an eye on Gaige, tho just in case."

I nodded and then said,"I will don't worry."

Trystan nodded , and Kole said,"Hey, I found out that there is a party at Parker's. Do you all want to go."

I looked at Gaige, and then he said,"Okay, I will come, but I might leave early."

I nodded and then said,"ya let's goo it would be fun, and rate now, we need fun."

Kole nodded , and Hayden said,"Hell ya, let's go."

We all laughed at him, well, but Gaige. So after a bit, we all got ready for the day we'll just me, Hayden, Kole, and Gaige. Then at 12 we went to the bar to eat when we got there, Aubree and Grayson where at a table eating and then at a bigger table, Beau, Jagger, Trenton, Sage, Edward, and Tiffany where eating. So we sat at a table. I was facing Beau's table, and Gaige sat in front of me and Trystan, sat next to me and Kole, and Hayden sat next to Gaige.

When we ordered, we all sat in silence as me and Trystan I were glaring at the table that Beau and the rest were at.

It was very awkward, at the table.but when we finished eating, we left and when we got back to my house Edward and Tiffany ware there since they had left the lunch early in so I ran in my house locked my door and then I left. I knew I heard someone yell at me, but I was in Kole's truck before I could hear what they were saying.

When I got to Kole's house, we walked inside, and I saw Kole's mom. She was washing dishes and then when she saw us, and Gaige, she ran over to Gaige, to check his injures then she looked at Kole and said,"What happened."

I then said,"Someone from our class beat him up after hockey, so I let him stay at my place."

She looked over at me and then said,"Who was it."

I looked down, and Hayden said,"we already got paid back. Sorry, mom, we should have told you sooner."

She looked back at Gaige and then said,"Are you alright, Gaige?"

He nodded and then said,"ya I'm fine."

"Okay, and you three, Hayden is right. You should have told me or some adult, and not have gotten payback, okay,"Kole's mom said with a sad smile. We all nodded and then went up to Kole's room.

We all sat on Kole's bed as I put new bandages on Gaige's face and arms. After I bid that we all just watched a movie, until It was 7:30 so we all got up and then went to Kole's  truck, as we all went to Parker's place or well farm, since the party's that Parker throws happened at a shed that everyone calls the train station. So when we got there, I was glad we stopped at my place to get Alcohol, because I think Gaige needs some, and so do I.

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