phone calls

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Kole pov

After we got to Nova's place, we all sat down.most of us were talking until my phone rang. I pulled in out of my pocket, and then I smiled. It was my best friend from Alice Springs, Australia, Scott Griffin.

So I answered my phone and stepped into the kitchen.

S-Kole, long time no talk

K-ya Scotty long time

S-hahaha ya, I know, you should bring some of your friends to Australia sometime

K-I could, but my mom wouldn't let me, and since I'm the co captain of the hockey team

S-you didn't make captain

K-nope, my friend Nova actually made captain

S-realy but nove sounds like a girl

K-she is yes, is that a problem

S-not at all good for her she was probably made captain because she is better then you

K-ya ok, I will think about going to Australia to hang out with you

S- ok, how about when the Motercross season starts, like March 17

K-ok, well, I should let you go

S-ok, see you later, Kole

K-bye Scott

When I got off the phone with Scott, everyone was looking at me, but Hayden, since he knows who Scott is.

I then said "that's was my friend from Australia."

Nova nodded, then Trystan said,"What, you have a friend all the way in Australia and never told anyone here."

I nodded and then said,"ya I really wanted to, but he never came up, so ya."

Hayden rolled his eyes and said,"No, you just wanted to tell them when you got your Dirtbike fixed it is fixed, but you still, bidn't want to tell them, since he is still better at Motercross then you."

I shook my head as everyone laughed at me, well, everyone but Nova. She was looking at her phone with a sad look on her face. She probably got some texts from her sister. After everyone stopped laughing, I said,"Well, Scott bid asked if I could bring some friends over with me on March 17."

Nova looked over and said, "I will go."

Hayden said,"Well, I not go I been there, done that."

Gaige then looked at me , and then Nova then said,"I will go. I know my mom will let me go, hopefully."

Trystan said," I would like to go, but I'm probably busy that Day will work, and you would probably want to go for a week or longer."

I nodded and then said,"Okay, so only 2 people."

Grayson said, "I will need to ask mom and Dad, but I would like to go."

I smiled at them and then said," ok, enough of Australia talk, let's go watch or play something hell we could go for a drive around."

After a bit, we all agreed at piled into my truck, aka, me and Nova up front, and the rest piled into the back. To go for a drive around.

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