Plane ride

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It was the last game of the season we were about to win. The game, if we bid, we would win the whole season. Kole had passed the puck to me but I was hit I the side so I bidn't get tue pukc in time and the other team had scored and then the buzzer rang it was over and the other team had won, by one it was neck in neck and they had won, we lost.

We were all upset, but we had a long bus ride home. We were all quiet.

But that was a few days ago.

I was packing to go to Australia, with Kole, Grayson, and Giage. I had the help of Tiffany and Aubree since we made up recently. They really wanted me to wear a lot of crop tops, but I told them multiple times we are going not to a city in Australia but a farm, since that is where kole told us Scott and his dad lived. But I, of course, I took a few crop tops, though. And after a bit, kole had texted me,

K-hey, we are staying at my place tonight. So we can leave at 5 am

N-ok, be on the way soon. Tiffany will drop me off


N-see you soon then bye


After I finished texting kole, Tiffany said,"Well time to get you to Kole's house I just can't believe the teacher went on a week strike and you and some of the others are going to Australia that is just so cool."

I nodded , and Aubree said,"Make sure Gray stays away from other girls that are in to him."

I said,"ohh, don't worry, he won't be around any girls that like him."

"Good by not all girls since I do trust him," Aubree said. I, of course, just nodded, and then we all went into Tiffany's car to drop me off at Kole's place. As I left Tiffany car 5hey waved bye to me and left.

Then, the next day,

Kole's mom was driving us to the closest city with a airport, when we got there, the guys got a talk about protecting me from creeps.  They, of course, said they would, and that made me smile.

But when we went into the airport, we went thru security, and then we just sat and waited for our plane to be called. Which happened rather quickly, but we had one of the first flights of the day at 7 am.

When we got in are seats I was sat with Grayson and kole, and Gaige was in the middle across the way from us.
So he was close to us, and so when we took off, I was scared since I was afraid of heights. But then it was smooth sailing for the rest of the flight over to Australia.

When we got there we all followed kole, when we got out it was hot but nice. And after a bit, kole went walking really fast over to a truck. we followed after him, and I saw a cute guy he had a mullet, and he spicked the front of the mullet up, and he had freckles and nice green eyes. When kole got closer to him, he hugged him and said,"Scott, nice to see you again."

When we got closer to then, Scott had said,"Well, same to you, who are these three."

Kole looked at us and pointed at us, then said,"This is Gaige, Grayson, and Nova."

He nodded, and then I'm guessing his dad said,"Well, nice to meet all of you, but let's get to mine house to get you all settled."

The guy had to sit in the box as Scott, Scott's dad, and I got to sit in the front of the single cab truck. When we got to Scott's house, we saw 4 people standing around bikes. When they saw the truck and multiple people in the box, they had left their Dirtbikes to see who Scott and his dad had brought home.

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