life continues nothing is a secret

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It was finally Hocky season, and I was sitting in the change room, as the coaches made Announcements and it turns out that we will have guys from other towns joining us. So we had to wait for then that was when three guys walked in the first two, where guys I never seen before and the last guy was Gaige........

That made me, Kole, Trystan and Hayden tense up but Gaige bid as well, but he had a black eye. Then the Coaches the told then to tell us their names, the first one was named Trenton, and the other guy was named Jagger. Trystan dad or Mr Brentwood, stopped Gaige form talking and siad,"the team knows you Gaige."

That made Gaige tense up as Jegger gave Gaige a hard glare. I knew I should feel bad for Gaige but he really seemed sacred for the two he came with, but I still can't forgive him for what he bid to me.

That was when the head coach Mr Gary said,"I will like to call up two people to have the captain and Co captain's of the team."

He Pause in between lines so the Trenton, Jagger and Gaige to sit done Jagger sat next to me as Gaige sat next to him and Trenton rate in the middle of them. Then Coach Gray continued and said,"Are co-Captain is Kole and the Captain is Nicole."

Both me and Kole stood up as we got a jersey with a C on it meaning captain. I was super happy and so was Kole, Trystan and Hayden. I know that Trystan had to hide his excitement since Beau found out about him taking me and Kole to the football banquet, and yelled at him. After the meeting, I ws following Kole and Hayden when I was grabbed, and pulled to another room, I almost got really scared but when the person that was pulling me into another room apologized for it when I looked at the person it was Gaige.

He pulled his phone out and typed something and then my phone buzzed, and then I looked at it and it was gray. Then Gaige said,"Gary texted you congrats."

I froze it was exactly what Gray sent then I put two and two together and said,"You are Gary."

He nodded then said,"sorry for not telling you sooner but texting you really helped me, since Jagger and Trenton has been billing me and Beau has been pulling the strings about splitting all of you guys up."

I nodded then said,"ya I know she succeeded."

Gaige froze and then said,"no she can't fuck I should have told you sooner."

I shook my head and said,"no its fine it would have happened anyway but I have Kole and Hayden."

He nodded then said,"will you help me take down Beau, Jagger Trenton, Tessa and the. Ring leader of them all Sage.

I nodded then said,"ya let's do that."

He nodded the said,"sorry for everything I bid to you."

I shook my head and said,"I'm glad you apologized for it all I will trust you for now."

He nodded then pulled out his hand and I bid the same and we shook on it.

Then we went are separate ways and all I could think about is that, I knew Beau couldn't be trusted but how will I get all my friends back, in my life now.

I also was kinda shocked that Gray was Gaige the hole time, but I was also hated how I grew attracted to Gray well Gaige.....

But now that I knew who Gray was I really didn't like him to much anymore. When I got to my house Tiffany's car was in my driveway so was Beau's and a car I bidn't know. I was glad I walked home, so I snuck uo to the front window and seen, Jagger, beating up Gaige, Beau was laughing as was Tiffany and Tiffany said,"Let me get a hit in."

Ed was held back by Trenton and I could hear Him yell,"Why in Nova's house we could have done it somewhere else."

I then went for my door and then slammed it opened and yelled,"everyone get the FUCK out of my house or I will cut all the guys ducks off and shove them down the girls throats."

Everyone went running even Ed they all left Ina hurry and left Gaige behind. I went up to him and he was knocked out and his noses was heavily bleeding. I took him to one of the bathrooms and cleaned him up and I had to change him I was glad just his shirt needed to be changed. I then put him in my room, since I knew Ed would have to come back for his things.

I knew what I had to do, I needed to make a call to Kole. So I called him up.

Kole's pov

I just got home I was in my room. Watching TV with Hayden when Nova called me, I put it on speaker phone and then said.


N-we have a problem

K-what kind

H- ya what kind

N-a Bad one can you two come to my house like rate now.

K-ya we can sneak out

H-ya we can

N-good when uou get hear don't get mad please


H-don't worry I will keep I'm in line

N-and I will keep you in line Hayden

K- it's that bad huh

N-yes come quick

K-we will.

After that he hung up on us I was worried on what happenedamd that she would have to keep Hayden in line he barley gets mad.

So we snuck out and left to go to Nova's house.

When we finally got there, she opened the door to her house we both saw blood, but Nova wasn't hurt at all so it was someone else's but who.

Nova then said,"it looks bad I know, but Beau, Ed, Tiffany and rhe two new guys from Hocky bid this."

Hayden then said,"if Tiff bid this and Ed and Beau how we're they beating up."

Nova looked down and then said,"follow me."

We both followed her until we made it to her room she then went for the door and we saw someone on the bed, as we got closer wa saw it was....

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