She was breathing heavily but still clothed. It looked like it was just starting. Curious, I look towards a couple who were just watching. I debated if I should bother them or not. Deciding not to, I just look back at the stage.

A third person walked onto the stage, making my eyes widen. It wasn't just anyone. It was the same mystery man that seemed to be everywhere. He was wearing black pants and a fancy white shirt, however, all the buttons were unbuttoned but the last two. Revealing his whole chest, his tattoos peeking out. His hands were gloved and he wore a white mask with red splatters on it.

You could hardly see his face but I just knew it was him. His broad shoulders, his long hair, his tense aura... he wasn't exactly hard to miss.

I watched in curiosity as he walked towards the man. He stood and told him something. He nodded and walked behind the girl. The dominant walked to the front of the stage and looked down at us.

"Unfortunately, I have broken my arm, which means I won't be able to play with my girl tonight. However, my friend here will be helping me out." He says. I was a little disappointed that he didn't say a name but I watched nonetheless.

The scene began and mystery man circled around the girl. Waiting for her Dom to give the orders. I tuned out all the sounds around me, focused solely on the man who looked like he was ready to pounce.

He didn't look at her body, his eyes focused on the restraints on her wrists. He made sure they weren't harmful and that she was comfortable. I blinked and he had some kind of whip in his hand. It had a handle but the end of it had many dangly leather straps.

He brushed it over her skin, hitting her thigh with it. The leather straps wrapped around her flesh before pulling back. Her skin already turning red. He repeated the actions over and over again until her Dominant told him to use something else.

I couldn't help but clench my thighs together at her whimpers and the vicious look in his eyes. I felt my heart stop for a moment, a warm chest pressing against my bare back.

"Back again, hm?" The familiar voice made my stomach flip. I look over my shoulder at Callan, turning around fully, and seeing him in a similar attire as the man on stage. However, his shirt was a dark blue, also unbuttoned. His mask was white with gold splatters.

"What are you doing here?" I murmur nervously, the flashback of last time floating through my thoughts. I watched his eyes flicker from my face down to my neck and then checked out my outfit. He inhaled sharply and looked at me with low eyes.

"I'm here with a friend. And you?" He asks back, staring at my neck. I feel my body heat up at the reminder that I was close to naked in front of him.

"Same here."

"Turn." He grumbles, making me swallow softly. I turn around and face the stage again, watching the scene. I felt his warm chest press against my back, his hands resting on my hips. I melted into him, feeling his lips against my bare shoulder, kissing softly.

He kissed up to the side of my neck, before kissing my shoulder again. I heard a soft whistle somewhere in the crowd, and in a second, I was left standing alone again. Wondering if what just happened was real or not.

But when I looked back to the stage, metal eyes stared into mine. My heart stopped for a moment, I was frozen to my spot. He moved away from the girl, nodding at her dominant who stood and walked towards them. I hadn't realized that I tuned everything out. The girl was sweating and crying, her skin red. He unhooked her from the chain and let her Dominant hold her up with his good arm.

I had no time to react, he immediately walked towards me, his eyes set on me and me alone. Out of panic, I turn around to walk away quickly. His arm wrapped around my waist and gently pulled me back against him. His hand rubbed up my side, hiking the little dress up a little.

"What are you doing..?" I ask nervously, involuntarily melting further into his touch. I shouldn't like this. This isn't right. But I didn't want it to stop. His face nestled in my neck, inhaling softly. My breathing grew more and more shallow with each breath.

"Pretty." He growled against my skin, and my whole body went rigid at his voice. I nearly screamed out when I felt his teeth sink into my skin, not deep enough to hurt, but deep enough to leave an ache.

"Why'd you bite me?" I whisper in confusion, trying to keep the whining tone out of my voice. He chuckled quietly and spun me around, staring into my eyes.

I felt a sense of courage rake through my body, making me run my hands over his chest. He looked down at them, the muscles under my palms tensed and fluttered. He looked at me through his lashes, tilting his head slightly.

I thread my fingers into the back of his hair, having to stand on my tiptoes. He smirks and narrows his eyes at me. All courage left my body at that moment, making my body flame and my heart race. He moved his mask to the side along with mine. I tried to pull away but he grabbed my throat, tugging me closer. His lips crashed against mine, his teeth clashing with mine.

His lips were so soft but his actions were rough. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't stop. His tongue pressed against my lips, forcing them to open.

I tried to keep up with his kiss, but I failed, his tongue glided against mine, sucking my tongue into his mouth. I let out a soft moan, cutting myself off before it could fully leave my throat. He growled and pulled away slightly, kissing me ever so softly.

He looked down at me with a smug look on his face. His eyes were hooded and his head was tilted ever so slightly. I wanted to kiss them again.


The other two men... They all had the same force and power over me with their kiss. The same force and power that made me weak in the knees.

"I don't even know your name..." I whisper softly, looking up at him with curious eyes.

He stayed quiet for a while, his eyes moving over my face and staring at my lips once again. His lips parted and he spoke in such a quiet tone I was sure I imagined it.


Not So Delicate ||18+Where stories live. Discover now