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As Trishul's presence loomed closer to the island where Minakshi sat with Ved, Manish, and Maya, a tense silence fell over the group. Ved, Manish, and Maya exchanged wary glances, their expressions a mirror of shock and concern at the unexpected arrival of the king and Minakshi's ex-husband.

The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air, as they grappled with conflicting emotions and the uncertainty of what to do next. Though a part of them wanted to leap to Minakshi's defense and demand Trishul's departure from the cafe, they knew that this decision ultimately rested in Minakshi's hands.

Their loyalty to their friend warred with the recognition of Trishul's status as the king of the land, leaving them paralyzed in a state of indecision. With bated breath, they awaited Minakshi's response, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

In a heartbeat, Damru's eyes lit up with unrestrained excitement as he caught sight of Trishul's familiar figure entering the cafe. With an infectious enthusiasm that only a child could possess, he bounded towards Trishul, his small frame radiating joy.

"King uncle! How awr youuuu?" Damru exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine affection and warmth as he threw his arms around Trishul in an exuberant hug. The innocence and sincerity of his greeting washed over Trishul, momentarily melting away the weight of his own thoughts and concerns.

(How are you)

As Trishul's gaze shifted from Minakshi to the adorable child in his arms, a transformation swept over him. The mask of regal composure that had adorned his features melted away, revealing the softer, more tender side of his nature.

With a radiant smile, Trishul gazed down at Damru, his eyes alight with genuine joy and affection.

Setting aside the flowers and chocolates he had carried, Trishul gently scooped Damru into his arms, cradling him with a sense of warmth and tenderness. The child's laughter echoed through the cafe, filling the air with a melody of pure happiness that enveloped them both in a cocoon of love.

"Hi, Rannvijay, I am good, how are you?" Trishul asked.

"I am good," Damru replied.

Trishul picked the box of chocolates and gave it to Damru,"I brought it for you."

Trishul's gesture was met with wide-eyed delight from Damru, who eagerly accepted the box of chocolates with a grateful smile.

Damru's exuberance was infectious, his eyes sparkling with unbridled excitement and gratitude as he showered Trishul with heartfelt thanks,"Thankeuu Thankeuu Thankeuu sooo much!"

Trishul couldn't help but be swept up in the child's joy, his own laughter bubbling forth in response to Damru's infectious enthusiasm.

As Damru planted a playful kiss on Trishul's cheek, the tension that had lingered in the air dissipated like morning mist under the sun's warm rays.

Trishul's laughter rang out like a melody, filling the space with its buoyant energy and lifting the spirits of all who were present.

As Minakshi observed the heartwarming scene unfolding before her—the laughter, the smiles, the genuine affection shared between Trishul and Damru—a bittersweet wave of emotions washed over her. In that moment, she couldn't help but be reminded of the dreams she once harbored of a future where they could all be together as a family.

Deep down, Minakshi yearned for nothing more than to see Trishul and Damru united in happiness, to witness the bond between father and son blossom and thrive. Yet, the reality of her circumstances loomed large, reminding her of the delicate balance she must maintain to protect both her son and herself.

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