4 • चतुर्थः

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To be honest I was scared that Rudraksh bhaiya would do something to Trishul, as he hates him for taking Mohini from him. The last thing you want to be in your lifetime is to get hated by Rudra Bhaiya, everybody in the world knows the anger of Rudraksh Shivaay, he will go berserk on you if you make him mad. It was from childhood, he was born with it. Our Guru ji told us that it's a gift from Shiva and his anger can be really dangerous.

But what shocked me was how he reacted so normally when Trishul passed our room. The evening went by, Trishul didn't come back. It was time for dinner. I knew something was wrong when Trishul gave me the shocked look, but I was very confused with everything. First I expected Rudra Bhaiya to act roughly with him, second I thought Trishul would be angry at me but instead he was shocked to see me.

I can't go and ask Trishul about it but I can go and ask Rudra Bhaiya, what happened with him. He was in the balcony area and looking at the moon."Bhaai?" I asked.

He looked at me with a soft smile. "I thought you would be angry at Trishul and act all rude... But you didn't even say one word to him... Why?"

He chuckled softly,"I don't hate Trishul. It's true that I call him names but that's just for fun... I don't hate him... Why would I hate him?"

"Because Mohini chose him over you?"

He ruffled my hair and shook his head,"Do you think I am the kind of person who will hate him just because of that? It's not like Mohini was my wife and he kidnapped her..." He laughed. "Mohini chose whoever she wanted.... I got rejected, it's fine."

I smiled at my brother, he is very mature. Anybody who studies in Gurukul is mature, and they are well trained. "I wish I could handle rejection, the way you do..."

"You don't have to be like me, you are beautiful just the way you are." He smiled,"I hope you will never be rejected in any situation in your life. I will pray to Mahakal (Avatar of Hindu God Shiva) for that."

"Thank you."


I tried to calm myself down, my feelings, my thaughts, but failed miserably. I took out my phone and thought of calling my Guru, finally! But didn't got the courage because if I tell him about my situation he will think that I am being too weak and silly. So I called my friend Aakash, he picked it up in one ring.

"Hi" he screamed as the music playing in the background made his voice go dump.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Wait" he said and the sound started disappearing. "I was in a club"

"What happened to your bar?" I asked.

"Don't you know it's Thursday. The bar is closed." He stated.

I sighed,"Oh yeah..."

"Are you ok-" before he could say anything I asked,"Can you open it? Can I come?" I asked.

"But bhai(brother) you are drinking regularly. It's very bad for your health." He argued,"Nothing can kill me anymore. My life is screwed."

"Okay, I am coming" he cut the call. I took out my sports car, and without taking a driver I went for the Bar. I knew my mother will not spare me after how I acted infront of the guests.

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