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As lightning flashes and thunder rumbles outside, the luxurious office room is shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the soft glow of a single lamp on the desk. In the midst of this atmospheric turmoil, Trishul's figure is silhouetted against the dimly lit backdrop, his form appearing almost ethereal in the subdued lighting of the office. Slouched in his chair, he exudes an aura of despondency, with every line on his face telling a story of inner turmoil and despair. The weight of his troubles seems to physically press down on him, manifesting in the heaviness of his shoulders and the weariness in his eyes.

His once sharp features are now softened by a veil of melancholy, and his usually vibrant eyes are dull with sorrow. Despite the opulence of his surroundings, he seems out of place, as if the grandeur of the office serves only to magnify the emptiness he feels inside.

In the quiet of the room, his breaths come slow and heavy, as if each one is a struggle against the weight of his thoughts. Though he sits in silence, there is a palpable sense of unrest emanating from him, as if the storm outside has found its echo in the tempest of his own emotions.

Facing him, like a beacon of resolve amidst the storm, stands Reya. Despite the chaos surrounding them, she emanates a sense of calm and determination. Her posture is poised, with an air of quiet confidence that belies her youth. In the flickering light of the lamp, her features are illuminated, revealing a steely resolve and unwavering determination in her eyes. Dressed impeccably in professional attire, she exudes an aura of capability and strength.

Trishul's appearance reflects the neglect that has overtaken him in his current state of despair. His once impeccably groomed five o'clock shadow has grown into a disheveled beard, its unkemptness mirroring the chaos of his inner turmoil. Dark circles hang beneath his eyes, evidence of restless nights spent wrestling with his demons. His hair, once carefully styled, now falls in disarray around his face, adding to the air of dishevelment that surrounds him.

Despite the signs of neglect and weariness, there's a rugged charm to Trishul's appearance that adds a touch of allure to his otherwise disheveled demeanor. His beard, now grown out from its once meticulously trimmed state, frames his face with a rugged edge, hinting at a rebellious spirit lurking beneath the surface. The dark circles beneath his eyes only serve to accentuate their intensity, lending him an enigmatic air that draws others in, even in the midst of his despair.

His messy hair, tousled by the storms raging both outside and within, adds to the devil-may-care attitude that seems to emanate from him. Despite the turmoil in his soul, there's a magnetic quality to Trishul's presence, an undeniable charisma that refuses to be dimmed by the darkness that surrounds him. It's as if his inner turmoil has only served to sharpen the edges of his charm, transforming him into a figure both dangerous and irresistible, a devil in disguise amidst the chaos of his own making.

"Reya go and get the files that need to be signed." Trishul's deep voice echoed in the room.

Reya's worry is palpable as she hesitates, torn between following Trishul's orders and expressing her concerns for his well-being. Despite her professionalism, her concern for Trishul's health and state of mind is evident in the furrow of her brow and the tension in her posture. She knows all too well the toll that overworking can take on a person, especially someone as dedicated as Trishul.

As she retrieves the files he requested, her mind races with thoughts of how to approach the situation delicately. She knows that pushing too hard could cause Trishul to withdraw further, but she also can't stand idly by and watch him burn himself out. With a heavy heart, she approaches him, her steps hesitant yet determined, ready to offer her support in whatever form he may need.

She kept the pile of files on the desk.

"It's late and raining, take the car of the office and leave for today, I am sorry I had to keep you so late, you can come late tomorrow." Trishul instructed.

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