35• पञ्चत्रिंशत्

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Aakash stood in front of the huge double door of Trishul's room, hand behind his back and a small smile plastered in his face. Each and every family member looked extremely sad some of them were crying some were holding tears, and other royal families were equally sad. The servants and workers were shocked and sad, guessing what could have happened there, except one of them who has hidden his face and went towards the far corner of the garden where the CCTV camera doesn't reach its gaze.

Aakash met the servent secretly. After seeing Aakash the servent bowed down.

"I have done as you said sir. I put the cynide in the Ksheer when Rajkumari left the kitchen" The servant sincerely said.

Aakash gave a huge smile and hugged the servent,"You don't have to bow, you belong in my arms." He broke the hug, the servant smiled softly.

"Nobody caught you, right?" Aakash asked.

"Why would they? They think I am one of their loyal servent. I worked in their house for more than seven years, Rajkumari even told me to look after the Ksheer."

"Good." Aakash smiled.

"Okay you have to leave now, go underground for few days," he ordered the servant. He nodded."You will meet Surya just outside the mansion he will guide you where you can hide. . . Now go"

The servant nodded and left.

Once he saw that he is far away from him, he took his phone and called Surya, he picked the call in one go,"Kill the servent."

"Okay sir."


The doctors came out of the room and everyone stood looking at him with expectation of some better news.

"We have tried our best, best treatments will be provided from our hospitals, you can treat him in the palace. His condition is not too good so I will tell you guys to pray, don't worry we are trying our best." The doctor who was the leader stated.

The room for filled with dead eerie silence, the environment become too heavy and negative. Tears brimmed from everyone's eyes.

"Can we meet him?" Trishul's father asked.

The doctor nodded his head,"Yes... You can, but he is sleeping so don't disturb him."

Minakshi, Ambika, Trishul's mom and dad run inside his room.

"Please don't make crowd inside, first let them visit after they come out... Other members will go." One of the nurse said.

"Shyamoli, you stay here. I will appoint few more nurses to assist you, tomorrow I will come for check. Till then take care of him, I have already guided you with the medicines." The doctor said to the nurse and she nodded in reply.

"Now I will take my leave." The doctor said and started to leave when Trishul's elder cousin proposed,"I will see you all out." The doctor nodded and went out.

Aakash smirked at the situation, everything going exactly as he planned. It's perfect, there's only one last thing he have to do after that, his work here is done.

Very few family members were present in the room, Trishul's Grandma was sitting at the furthest corner of a bench, eyes closed and praying to the Goddess.

Aakash sat down beside and her and gave her a side hug.

"Dida (grandma), I have an idea and I thought you would be the best person I could tell." Aakash whispered.

Grandmother stopped praying and looked at him.

"You remember how women of Durga kul used to do charity to the local people of the village in the name of Goddess Durga just before war or during any health issues of family member?" Aakash asked.

Grandmother nodded.

"Yes. My mother did the same for me when I was going through a critical health issue, she walked all over the village without taking any help of any vehicle and barefoot" Grandfather added.

"I think it would be best if the crown princess do it for him. I could have said queen mother.... But everybody knows her too well so it would be a great chance not only to introduce her to the kingdom but also charity." Aakash proposed.

"Yes, good idea." Grandfather answered.

"Okay I will talk about it to them." Grandmother added.

Inside Minakshi saw the pathetic figure of Trishul as he lay on his head, asleep... So many pipes attached to him.

Happiness just entered her life and that's what the first thing she got as a welcome gift.

Shiva! Will I not be ever truly happy? Why do you always write something sad in my story, please save Trishul. Please protect him. I can't see him laying like this, I just can't. I am willing to do anything just see him beautiful smile again.

She thought

"It's better if we let him sleep, I am going out." Katyayani maa said, she and Ambika left the room.

Father looked at her and gave a side hug,"You have to be strong, we have to be strong."

She nodded and weeped.

They left the room, the nurse closed the lights from the room.

Trishul fight. You are a fighter.

Fight for our love....fight for the kingdom... fight for the soul.

"Minakshi? Come here" grandmother called her while patting the place beside her to indicating her to seat, she did.

She took Minakshi's palm into hers and started caressing it with her fingers.

"There's one thing I will request you.." Grandma instructed her about everything.

Minakshi nodded and gladly agreed to it.

"Tomorrow I will do it, don't worry. I will do it." Minakshi promised.

"I will send Aakash with you as a guide, he will show you everything." Grandma said, Aakash came in front of them and bowed towards Minakshi.

Minakshi nodded with a gloomy face as all she can think about is her husband.

A/N: A lot happened with me within these days, I got seriously sick then I had to give exams.... That's the reason behind my late update, I am sorry.

Also a lot is coming for the story as well.

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