Introduction • भूमिका

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Everything was possible by the Shivaay, we are one of the great dynasties of this world. Shivaay is our Vanshaj. We are known for peace, loyalty and protection. If there's one thing about the three words that describes me is Loyalty. I have been loyal to my fiancée who doesn't even acknowledge my existence.

His name is Trishul, he is as Sharp as Trishul, as balanced as Trishul. Maa durga defeated the demon Mahishashur with Trishul. That's why his parents named him Trishul. He is from the Durga Kul.

Our marriage was fixed way before our birth, in fact he is the reason I am born. He is five years older than me... I have no problem with it, in fact I have no problem with anything about him. When I was six years old and attended my aunt's wedding, I was very curious about my own husband. My mother showed me a picture of Trishul and told me that he is my husband. I believed in those words just like how Meera Bai believed that Krishna is her husband.

When I turned eighteen, my father gave me a small box and told me to open it, I opened and found a red diamond ring, all my father said was it's the engagement ring and how I should wear it on my ring finger, he also gave me a document where I have to sign, I signed. My father says that it's sad how we are following all these western systems of engagement and that it's necessary to wed me off to Trishul and send me to Kolkata as his wife, but I have to complete my education on Gurukul (Ancient Indian school) and then I can live the life of Grihani (married life).

I stopped staring at the ring in my finger and took my phone from the bed, I opened Instagram and the first picture that came up in my feed was of his, What a coincidence! It's a picture of him in Gym, it's a mirror selfie. His muscular figures was in display and there were thousands of likes and comments on his picture. I also feel like commenting on his picture but it would be too embarrassing if he doesn't reply. I opened his account, it's my daily schedule to stalk his account. All the recent pictures where just him with his gym buddies and workplace. But what breaks my heart was the pictures that comes below. Four months ago. It's him with his ex girlfriend, Mohini. He loves Mohini alot and it was evident by the way he show off his girlfriend, and the way he holds her. The way he caresses, the way he kisses and the way he looks at her. . . Like he have found his home in her. But we all know that in his home there's only me, unfortunately it's just me.


I took a sip from the glass in my hand, it's Scotch, I am fond of scotch. I have never drunk alcohol in my life nor done any kind of drugs, it's strictly prohibited in our home. Alcohol and drugs are for the people who have weak mind and a person who are educated, well trained and groomed like us don't have weak mind. As Bhishma (character from the epic Mahabharat) said who doesn't have the capability of fighting they are the one who drink alcohol.

I don't deny, in fact I belive that it's true, I also believe that I am weak and a coward who got played. Who couldn't stand up for himself and his love. Mohini left me with one statement which always run in my mind,"It was just for fun and we both knew it cause our family could never agree to our marriage. If you took our relationship seriously than you are delusional,"

I took a puff from my ciggerate as a lone tear rolled from my eyes, I was at a bar's VIP room. It's owned by my friend Akash who is actually from Guwahati, Assam but came here to open a Restaurant and Bar.

"Bro are you crying?!" Akash exclaimed.

"N-No" my voice broke, I removed the tears with my thumb. "It's okay, men can cry too," he reasoned, he gave me a hug, a full hug which I couldn't return as both of my hands were engaged by the drink and the cigarette. He broke the hug and took out his phone he tapped on the screen and asked,"So tell me her name"

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