43• त्रिचत्वारिंशत्

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As Minakshi slowly awakens from her slumber, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, she groggily reaches for her bedside table, searching for her glasses. Blinking sleep from her eyes, she squints at the clock and gasps in horror as she realizes she overslept. It's already time for her son's school drop-off!

Panic rising, she looked at the side of Damru's bed, shaking him gently to wake him up. "Damru, wake up! We're late for school!"

Damru stirs, rubbing his eyes and murmuring sleepily, "But mom, it's Sataaday."


Relief floods Minakshi as she processes his words. It's Saturday! She doesn't have to rush to drop him off at school. Instead, she smiles and pulls him into a hug, grateful for the unexpected reprieve. With a laugh, she decides to bring him along with her to work, which they do every Saturday.

Realization dawns on Minakshi as she recalls the special guest scheduled to arrive at the hotel today. Concern creases her brow as she considers her options. She knows she can't bring Damru with her to work today; it's not appropriate for a hotel environment, especially when hosting important guests.

Quickly, Minakshi springs into action, her mind racing with plans. She hurries to prepare breakfast for Damru, reassuring him that she'll find a solution. As he munches on his cereal, she contacts Manish, hoping he can watch him for the day.

"Hey are you free today? Can you please take care of Damru today? As I can't take him to the hotel."

"I would have loved to but, I and Ved will be going to the date we planned....'' Manish grimly replied.

Minakshi's heart sinks as Manish gently reminds her of their prior plans for the day. She understands; everyone has their commitments and responsibilities.

"But if you want Damru can tag along with us" Manish suggested.

Understanding the potential disruptions Damru might cause during their date, Minakshi politely declines the offer, thanking them for their kindness.

Resigned to the reality of the situation, Minakshi realizes she has no other viable option but to bring Damru with her to the hotel. With a deep breath, she gathers her composure and prepares Damru for the unexpected journey to her workplace.

Explaining the situation to Damru, Minakshi emphasizes the importance of his behavior and cooperation during their time at the hotel. With a solemn nod, Damru assures her that he'll be on his best behavior.

Together, they make their way to the hotel, Minakshi's mind racing with thoughts of how to manage her responsibilities while keeping Damru occupied and content. After the small walk towards the hotel they reached their destination.

In the bustling kitchen of the hotel, chefs move with precision and purpose. The air is filled with the aroma of sizzling spices and simmering sauces. Pots clang, knives chop, and pans sizzle as dishes are expertly crafted. Amidst the organized chaos, the head chef orchestrates the culinary symphony, ensuring each plate leaves the kitchen perfection.

"Look who's here," Rishu exclaimed, her voice carrying genuine excitement as she greeted Minakshi and her little son, Rannvijay, at the entrance of the restaurant. Donning the crisp apron of a waiter, Rishu's eyes sparkled with warmth and anticipation, especially as they landed on the cherubic face of young Rannvijay. With a wide grin, Rishu extended a welcoming hand, eager to usher them inside the kitchen.

Rannvijay couldn't contain his excitement and jumped into Rishu's arms, who greeted him with a playful kiss on the cheek. With a gentle smile, Minakshi strolled over to the kitchen counter to grab her apron. The whole scene was filled with cheer and happiness, as everyone in the restaurant couldn't help but beam at Rannvijay's arrival.

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