9 • नवम्

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The night went out smoothly, I had lots of fun. I was really dumb to think that he could meet me today at the event, I mean there are so many guests... Obviously he was busy.

Now I am waiting in his room, or rather in our room. I was sitting in the bed, I am kind of exhausted with everything. But my overthinking is not stopping.

"Mina?" Aadya, my boudi, Trishul's elder cousin's wife enters the room. "Yes?" I looked at her. She smiled brightly with adoration oozing from her eyes. "I couldn't find Trishul in the house, I tried too hard... It's getting pretty late. His phone is also off. I think he will come soon. Maybe he has some leftover work from the occasion. I will stay here till then." She sat down.

"You don't have to, Aadya didi. It's late and you must be exhausted... I am fine." I tried.

"No no, I can't leave a newly wed alone." She proposed then yawned. "I am not yawning."

I laughed and asked,"Then what was that?"

"I-" she started speaking but I interrupted,"Listen to the newly wed and go back to your room for some sleep. Your husband must be waiting," I winked.

"Don't forget I am older than you." She replied sternly. We laughed. Suddenly the door opened and Trishul walked in. His outfit was crumbled, first few buttons are opened. Hair messy and eyes bloodshot. He looked at us, tried to say something but then went inside the bathroom quickly.

"What happened to him?! You saw his eyes!" She cried. She is too innocent, only I know what those eyes mean. Only I know the drink which makes a man go monsterous. I am so familiar with it, what I didn't know was that my Trishul was also a victim of it.

"Maybe he is exhausted. Don't worry, too much exhaustion leads to red eyes." I lied. She looked at me full of worry, "Hey! Now I want to have some personal moment with my husband. Go! Shoo!" I chuckled. Or should I say tried. She believed it and left.

Drunkards trigger my trauma, if it was not Trishul I would have left the room or probably the house. But some how I have immense trust on him, He is a good person, well educated and strong. He can never be a monster. I will just pretend to sleep on the other side, like that he will ignore me. I lay down facing the other side eyes closed.

I never wanted my first night to be like this. I never thought my husband will be a drunkard not even in my worst nightmare. But I can not blame him, he was forced into this.


When I came out of the bathroom, I spotted the girl laying down on my bed. Shouldn't Mohini sleep there? This Bed is mine, so the only person who can sleep beside me is also the one I love. I don't love this girl.... So what is she doing there? Why is she sleeping there?!

Anger boiled inside me, I clenched my jaw. I closed my eyes to calm me down. I opened my eyes, and she was there in the same position. Until and unless I do something obviously she will not move.

"What are you doing there?" I whispered.

She jolted up and stared at me with big doe eyes, looking innocent. "Huh?" She asked.

"You will not sleep in the bed. Move." I said and moved towards the bed. I sat down. "Get up Get up.." I tried to be as calm as possible. I wanted to scream at her, but I think I am not drunk enough to do that. One or two more peg and nobody can save her from my wrath.

She got up, and stood at the edge of the bed looking at me, I slumped down on the bed. Occupying all the places. Soon I drift off to sleep.


When I was inside my car a call came from my assistant.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Sir there's an emergency please come to the office." He sound worried.

"What happened?"

"It's our Gold mine in Kerala it got abducted by some bystanders, hurry please... We are very confused" he told.

Ugh! They are at it again, how many time do I have to negotiate with them? Today I will see an end of this. I searched for the amulet in my pocket, I have to wear this now otherwise later I will not get the time.

I searched for it but I didn't got any, searched the other pocket, but it wasn't there as well. Shit! I dropped it somewhere. Is it in the car I looked beside me, trying to search but before I can take my eyes back to the road. I saw a huge light coming my way and the next thing I knew was me going unconscious.


"MOHINIII" I heard my mother scream, I quickly went downstairs to find my mother crying frantically and my father trying to console her.

I was very scared, what happened? Did something happened to grandpa? "Maa" I called.


She looked at me and her cries enhanced, she run to me and hugged. "Mohini... Shreedhar... Accident.." those three words were enough for me. I felt like the world stop moving, I entered a trance.

I felt someone shaking, I looked at the person it's my father,"We have to go visit him. The plane is ready let's go." I nodded and followed them.

After the horribly long three hours flight we reached his kingdom, a car took us to the hospital. I found Radhika hugging her mother and crying.

"Mohini?" Saanvi Amma (mother) noticed me and came towards me, he cried softly and hugged me. "What happened to my Shreedhar?" She asked.

I wish I had the answers. I closed my and the vision of Kanha came infront of my eyes, I prayed to him, I begged him. I asked questions. Finally I was having my fairytale come true, then why did you snatch it away from me?

A doctor came out,"Shreedhar is totally out of Danger, no need to worry. I have a nurse appointed, when he wakes up she will let me know. You all-" before the doctor can complete a nurse came out from his room.

The nurse was scared, he looked at the doctor and said,"Sir there seems to be some problem."

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