8 • अष्टम्

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Today is the day of the reception party, tonight we will sleep together, the first night. Last night I slept with his sister. I just saw him once in morning during the rituals of bhaat kapor. Then again he vanished in thin air.

His face is always in a scowl, he looks like he will kill anyone if he gets the chance, yet so sad and lonely. But what I feel towards him is so pathetic. I feel fear, nervousness, stress and deep love. It's an unknown feeling. Yes, I have been scared of people but the combination was different it was fear and hatred but here it's fear and love which gives submission. Like if he wants me to die, I will die. I feel so weak infront of him. I have never felt anything like this. I have never felt this weak in my life before.

I can kill a human if I want to, so obviously I am not weak. Also, I am not a submissive individual but he made me like this.

Right now I am sitting like a doll in the middle of a crowded hall filled with guests.  Everybody is greeting me and giving gifts, I have never smiled this much in my life. I was wearing a gorgeous blue lehenga with peacock design. A heavy necklace resided in my neck filled with rare gems and pearls.

Not once I have seen Trishul in the whole programme, my brothers visited me every half an hour and checkout if I was okay, I am so grateful to have them in my life. My friends and his family also was by my side all the time. Everybody was so caring towards me, I was feeling like a baby.... But the one I wanted most was not with me.

But Later that day he joined me and took pictures for the paparazzies, smiled brightly and happily answered all the questions like he was the happiest person in Earth. His smile and his new found behaviour made me so comfortable, and a light of hope rose inside me. Thank you Shiv!


All the guests were talking to me and congratulating me, but my gaze was on certain someone. Today who was wearing a navy blue shimmer saree with pink lips. Her laughter made me smile  and her ignorance... When I saw her hugging her fiancee, Shreedhar, The man who was way older than us and didn't deserve her, that sight made my blood boil but again her smile healed me.

I was gawking at her from afar, she was laughing at Shreedhar who was saying something to other guests, when I felt something in my hand. I looked at it to find a mini glass bottle. "Take it." Aakash said by handing it to me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Your favourite drink." He replied.

I shook my head by giving the bottle back to him,"No I can't drink alcohol today. I can't risk getting caught."

"You can't sacrifice yourself like that, Trish. You need it more than anything, right now..." He insisted. "Nobody knows you more than me, I know how much you love her. Take this."

At least someone understood me, unlike my family who forced me into this mess!

I took the bottle,"Thank you." I said. "Go to the bathroom in the back and drink it. Nobody is there." He said. I nodded and did what he said. I went to the bathroom and drank it in one go.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax, slowly the intoxication is taking over me. I feel so free right now, like I am at the top of the world. No more mind conflict, no more complications. I came out of the bathroom. Stumbling over a rock, I kicked it out of my way. I can't walk properly, but who cares?

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