27. Can you get me?

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I haven't heard from Katie since we finished training this morning. It's not that I want to know what she's doing every minute of the day but she is my girlfriend and I would like to know she's safe. Another reason why I'm annoyed she hasn't told me where she is or what's she's doing is because we planned to go on a date tonight, we were supposed to be going to the cinema and then for dinner afterwards but from the looks of it she has forgotten or just doesn't want to go, either way it upsets me to think about because I have been looking forward to this date all week and clearly she doesn't care.


I've accepted the fact I won't be going on a date tonight but I'm really angry, I texted Katie 5 times and got no answer. Of course I'm worried about her but I've tried to talk to her and I'm getting no response, none of the girls know where she is either so I'm giving up, she will come home when she's ready.


I walk out the bathroom after doing my skincare and brushing my teeth. Just as I'm about to get into bed my phone rings. It's 12am, no one calls me this late so I have a suspicion it's katie.
I walk to my bedside table and glance at the screen katie is calling.
I sigh, still angry but not wanting to ignore the call incase she's in trouble.

"Hello" I breathed, anxious to hear her response

"Heyy ba-by uhh can... can you get me?" She slurred through the phone.

Great, she went out and got drunk and didn't tell me.

"Where are you?" I cut straight to the point, not in the mood to chat to her when she's in this state.

She told me what club she was at and I told her to stay where she was before hanging up the phone.

I threw a hoodie on over my t shirt and shorts and slipped into my sliders grabbing my keys and locking the door behind me.

I got into the car, turning the music off before pulling out of the driveway, too angry to listen to music.

I pull up outside the club my girlfriend told me she was at and get out the car. Pushing my way through the bustling Crowd that have gathered in front of the busy club, I finally spot her talking to a group of people, laughing and chatting to them.
I make my way over and stop in front of her on the bench.

"Heyy , guys this is my girlfriend I was telling you about" she says, drunkenly smiling at me.
I don't return it, getting impatient

"It's time to go, Katie" I tell her coldly.

She goes to object but when she sees the look on my face she obliges.

I lead her to the car by her arm preparing to stop her from falling due to her being unsteady on her feet.

Once she's in the passenger seat, with her seatbelt on I start the car wanting to get home as quickly as possible. On the drive home I try and work out what caused her to go out and get drunk, by herself, without telling anyone. She obviously didn't think it through, which is unlike her. It's hard to focus on my thoughts when all I can hear is her incoherent babbling coming from the seat next to me.

When we get home, i once again lead her inside and up to our room by her arm.
I sit her on the end of the bed, untying her shoes and sliding them off then go to the wardrobe to find some clothes for her to change into.

"Why are you mad at me?" I hear from behind me

"I'm just tired katie, and I've spent all day worrying about you" I tell her, already knowing what I say won't be comprehended by her due to the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed tonight.

Once she's in her pajamas and I've wiped the makeup off her face she climbs into bed, falling asleep within seconds.

I watch her face for a minute, watching her body rise and fall with each breath. There must be something going on with her, she normally doesn't act this erratically, i did notice her acting differently at training today, she was clearly more stressed then usual, but going out drinking alone and not telling anyone her whereabouts is not the way to cope with it. I decide to have a conversation with her in the morning, telling her how her behavior caused me to worry all night and that if she ever does anything like this again I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. 

I fall asleep, all the feelings I've felt today finally hitting me at once. Tomorrow morning is going to be difficult, thank god we don't have training.

I'll do a part 2 if you guys want it, lmk you're thoughts x

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