7. Bad day

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Today is my day off, so I've just been lounging around the house. Katie has been at training since this morning. We have different schedules due to being on different teams.

From the moment I woke up this morning my mood has been so bad. I honestly don't know why I feel so on edge and angry, but it's just one of those days I suppose.

I'm sat on the sofa trying to watch the movie I put on, but I keep getting distracted by my thoughts.

I hear the front door open and close, indicating Katie has just arrived home. After putting her bag down and taking her shoes off she enters the living room and sits beside me.
"Hey babe, how was your day?" She asks giving me a smile as she leans back into the sofa getting comfortable.
"Yeah it was fine." I say letting out an irritated sigh keeping my eyes on the tv.
"Cool, my day was great, thanks for asking" she says sarcasm lacing her words and her tone sharp.
"Katie, I'm not in the mood for your shit tonight" I say referring to the sarcastic remark she just made. I stand up, trying to prevent the inevitable argument we're about to have, by going into the kitchen.
"What do you mean y/n, in the mood for what shit? I've just got home and you're completely uninterested in whatever I have to say and obviously in some sort of mood" she says raising her voice and following me into the kitchen.
"This is what I'm not in the mood for" I say waving my arms between us, "the stupid argument we're having right now. I'm having a shit day and I'm not in the mood to fight with you." I say matching the pitch of Katie's voice.
"It's understand if you're having a bad day, but you don't need to take it out on me, i just want to talk to you. And if you're upset and don't tell me how will I know" she says frustrated with my behavior.
Before I can reply i knock an empty glass that was sitting on the kitchen island and it smashes on the floor.
"Fuck" I say while crouching down and putting some of the broken shards of glass into my hands.
"Hey, what are you doing? You're going to cut your hands" Katie says while grabbing the dust pan and brush from the cupboard. As she comes over to sweep up the scattered glass I feel a sharp prick on one of my fingers and as I look down I see a small amount of blood trickling down my hand. I think this was what pushed me over the edge that I was hanging on to by a thread. Today just wasn't my day. I just let the tears that I had been desperately holding in all day flow freely down my cheeks.

When Katie noticed her face turns
from annoyed to worried as she pulls me to my feet and then lifts me by my waist and puts me on the kitchen island. She grabs some kitchen towel and puts it on the small cut on my hand. She sweeps the remainder of glass on the tiles and after putting it in the bin walks over to me. She stands between my legs and puts her hands either side of my tear stained face.
"What's going on, huh?" She asks in a soft voice, contrasting the one she had merely minutes ago when we were arguing.
"I'm sorry, I don't know whats going on with me today. My emotions are all over the place. I didn't mean to take them out on you" i say sighing and looking into her piercing blue eyes that are only centimeters away from my own.
"It's okay, just tell me next time so I can give you space if thats what you want" she says giving me a small smile. I let out a relived sigh at how understanding she is being right now.

I pull her towards me and wrap my arms around her neck as she wraps hers around my back. We sit like this for a few minutes and relax into each other's touch. We eventually pull away and Katie pulls out the first aid box from a shelf in the kitchen and she takes out a plaster.
"Give me your finger" she says sternly.
I just chuckle lightly at how dramatic she is being over a small cut on my finger.
"Yes sir" I say as I salute with my free hand. I see a small smirk appear on her face as she is applying the plaster.

When she's finished pretending to be a doctor and waffling about me being careful and not to get the cut infected, which is very unlikely to happen due to its size, she lifts me down of the counter and carry's me into the living room and drops me on the sofa saying she doesn't want me to get glass in my feet as I'm not wearing socks.

For the rest of the evening we just cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie together. As Katie runs her hand through my hair I think how lucky I am to have such a caring and understanding girlfriend. I feel her place a soft kiss on the top of my head as I drift off into much needed sleep after the eventful evening we've had.

Would love some ideas for the future xx

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