15. Where the hell were you?

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Me and Katie have been fighting all day, we don't fight often but I think it's normal for couples to fight once in a while. Both our training was cancelled today due to the awful weather, it's been raining for the past 2 days, so I think being stuck in the house together is the reason we're arguing so much today, we're just getting on each others nerves. 

I've just walked out of the kitchen, after making myself a cup of tea and as I head to the sofa Katie walks into the kitchen without saying a word to me, obviously not over the small argument we had a few minutes ago.Just as I sit down I hear her huffing and mumbling under her breath while slamming cupboard doors.
It starts to piss me off so I shout over to her
"What the hell is your problem now?" I say fed up with her childish behavior.
"You just go into every room, make a mess and expect me to clean it up" she says angrily, referring to the tea spoon I left on the side after stirring my tea with it.
"How hard is it to just put it in the dishwasher!" she exclaimed waving the teaspoon at me from the kitchen.
Me having enough of this stupid fight over a fucking teaspoon, got up and stormed toward her, snatching the teaspoon from her hand and aggressively putting it in the dishwasher.
"She how hard was that" she asks rolling her eyes at me.
"You're insufferable today katie, why do u feel the need to pick fights about the smallest things, it's a fucking tea spoon for gods sake, why is it such a big deal?  you're acting like a child"  I say fed up and getting increasingly annoyed.
"I'm insufferable? Ha that's funny y/n. It wouldn't be a big deal if u cleaned up after yourself, it's not hard" she says raising her voice at me. Seeing no point in carrying this on i just shake my head and walk back to the sofa to finish my tea. Katie clearly not liking the fact I didn't continue the pointless quarrel, stormed towards the front door and slammed it behind her. This pissed me off because she knows I worry when she leaves without telling me where she's going, and she still chose to do it.


It had now been 3 hours, she left at 8pm and she hasn't texted or called, I'm really angry at her but it doesn't stop me from worrying. I choose not to text her yet, my stubbornness preventing me incase she was at Beth's or Caitlin's. I texted Beth instead asking if Katie was there. She replied after 20 minutes and told me she wasn't at hers, this caused me to panic.

I had been sat on the sofa biting my nails, trying to think of places she could be while watching the tv, to stop myself panicking too much. She's an adult she can look after herself I thought. It was now just past 12am, and when I read the clock I picked up my phone ready to call her because it was getting ridiculous at this point. My finger was  hovering over the call button when headlights lit up the room I had been sat in for the past 4 hours waiting for my girlfriends return.

Once I seen her step out the car relief washed over me but it was soon replaced by anger. She had left for 4 hours without telling me where she was.

I sat on the sofa waiting for her to walk through the door. I heard it open and close and then she emerged into the living room in front of me. She looked calmer but I certainly wasn't.
"It's midnight katie! Where the hell were you?" I practically shouted, rising to my feet.
"You were gone for 4 hours. I was sat here for 4 hours with no idea where you were, I was so worried " I say, the anxiety from earlier still lingering.
"I'm sorry, I should've told you where I was or at least called you after I had calmed down. I needed air. We've been at each others necks all day and I couldn't deal with it anymore, so I just drove around for a bit" she says guilt lacing her words after she realized how worried I was. I just sighed, i can't really blame her for wanting air, this house had felt suffocating all day.
"I'm sorry baby, for this and for how I behaved today" she said, gently pulling me into her arms, the anger that had been building up in me today soon dissipated when her arms wrapped around me.
"I'm sorry too, we both were acting like children" I say, kind of embarrassed by my behavior earlier. I lifted my head from her chest and places a soft kiss on her lips which she reciprocated, putting her hands on my cheeks.

We went up to bed soon after, both exhausted from all the arguing that had taken place today. I fell asleep wrapped in Katie's arms as I listened  to the raindrops lightly hitting the window of our room and the light snores coming from my girlfriends mouth.

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