19. The photo

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Katie is going out with some of the girls from Arsenal tonight. She did invite me but Caitlin's going and I'm not a fan of her. She's always had a crush on Katie and it's obvious even though Katie denies it. I trust Katie, of course I do, she's my girlfriend but I don't trust Caitlin. So I'm a bit worried that she will try something with Katie tonight. Im probably just being paranoid but I can't help it.

It's now around half 7 and the taxi is waiting for Katie outside our apartment.
"You look gorgeous, babe" I say giving Katie a kiss
"Thanks, love" she says giving me a smile and going to put her shoes on.
"Have a good night, text me so I know you're okay" I say as I watch her open the door.
"I will. Bye, love you" she says as she shuts the door behind her.
I let out a sigh, I worry when she goes out late because London can be dangerous at night.

It's now around 11pm, I've just been watching tv all evening. Katie isn't back yet but I was anticipating a late night anyway. She texted me about an hour ago saying they were at a club in London and she'll be back in a few hours. I was getting tired so decided to go up to bed, Katie would probably wake me up when she got In anyway, she's always loud when she's drunk even when she's trying to be quiet. I texted her saying I've gone to bed so I won't be up when she gets back but to lock the door after her.


I wake up to the front door slamming, presuming it was Katie getting home, I turned the lamp on and waited for her to come up. I checked the time and it was half 3 in the morning, which is late for her.I heard her stumbling up the stairs and her footsteps getting closer to our bedroom. She then opened the door slowly, trying to be quiet but failing and i let out a soft chuckle. She walked in and i could tell she was drunk.
"Good night?" I asked her as she sat on the end of the bed and started taking off her shoes
"Uhm.. yeah" she said sounding unsure, getting up to change.
"That doesn't sound convincing, did something happen?" I ask getting slightly worried. She let out a big sigh and just said "can we talk about it tomorrow please?" She asked, climbing into bed next to me as I watched her attentively.
"Okay..." i said not happy with her answer but knowing I wouldn't get anything further out of her tonight.
It didn't take long for her to drift off, the alcohol making it easier. I started to feel uneasy and thought about all the possible things that could've happened and I didn't like what I came up with. I tried to get some sleep but the overthinking made it nearly impossible.

I must've drifted off at some point as I woke up and the sun was peeking through the blinds. Checking my phone I realized it was 6:26 am. Knowing Katie would be sleeping for a while, i just sat and looked through my phone.

I was scrolling on instagram when a picture popped up and it made my heart sink to my stomach.

'Katie McCabe and Caitlin Foord spotted kissing in a london night club last night'

I read over the caption what felt like 100 times, trying to make sure I read it right. The picture was dark but It was definitely Katie and caitlin in it. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries, not wanting to wake Katie up. I couldn't believe it, I knew Caitlin liked katie but I didn't expect them to kiss, and I couldn't believe Katie let it happen. I've told her so many times about the way I felt about Caitlin and she told me I had nothing to worry about and stupidity i believed her. I felt so betrayed and heartbroken. I couldn't even look at Katie right now. What made it worse is the way I found out. Not from her. I found out on Instagram, also meaning everyone else would know about it too.

I slowly climbed out of bed and quietly got changed. Checking if Katie was asleep and she was. I left our bedroom and made my way to the front door. I couldn't stay in this house with her. I felt like I was suffocating, I needed to leave and process what I just saw.

I got into my car, tears were still streaming down my cheeks and i probably shouldn't have driven in the state I was in but I had to get away from her.

I pulled up outside of the only place I wanted to be right now. I got out and knocked on the front door.

Leah opened the door and smiled at me but as soon as she seen my tear stained cheeks her smile dropped and her face turned to a concerned expression.
"What happened?" She asked worry lacing her words.
I couldn't hold it in any longer and completely broke down. She pulled me into her arms and we just stood in the hallway of her house.

After a while my sobs calmed and we moved into the living room. I sat down with my head in my hands, Leah's worried expression still apparent as she waited for me to tell her what was going on.

I couldn't find the words to tell her what was going on so I just pulled up the picture on my phone and held it in front of her face. She grabbed the phone and brought it closer to inspect it.
"Oh my god. How fucking dare she" she said dropping the phone onto her lap after realizing what it was of.
"I can't even say I didn't see it coming, because I knew Caitlin had been waiting to do that for so long. She's always had a thing for Katie" I say letting out a chuckle that contradicted the tears falling from my eyes.
Leah was speechless, which was understandable because so was i.
"As soon as I saw it I left. She was still asleep so she doesn't know I've seen it. What makes it worse is that she didn't tell me herself, I had to find out through instagram" I say still in shock from the whole thing.
"Im so sorry. I would never of thought she would do something like that to you. You don't deserve it and she knows that. She's so stupid" Leah said pulling me into her again. We stayed like that until my phone started ringing and I knew exactly who it was. Katie. The one person who I didn't want it to be.

— there will be a part 2 if you want it :)
I've had exams all week so sorry for not uploading.
Let me know you're thoughts on this xx

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