24. I dont hate you, katie

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It's day 3 of the 2 week camp for the Irish wnt. We have just finished training which was very tiring, it didn't help that the weather had been terrible since arriving and I was soaked through due to the rain pouring down throughout the whole training session. I had decided to head straight back to the hotel and take a shower in my room instead of in the changing room which I now regret thoroughly.

As I'm stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it to arrive, my damp clothes sticking to my body causing goosebumps to rise on my skin i feel someone standing behind me. I turn around to see Katie McCabe. She looks just as soaked as me, her obviously having the same plan as me to have a shower in her room.

We have never really gotten along since my first international call up in 2018. There wasn't really a reason that I had such a strong distaste for the woman but it had always been like that. So seeing her behind me in this empty hallway, waiting to get on the same elevator as me, filled me with dread. Even though the elevator ride was short, being alone with her for that long was not something I was looking forward to.

we made eye contact, neither of us saying a word and then the familiar sound of the elevator doors opening rang through the silent hallway.

We only spoke when we had to, in training or in matches and even that was hard but we were both professional in that sense. We wouldn't let out distain for each other harm the team in any way.

Once we were both inside the elevator, the silence still remained, the only thing breaking it was when Katie let out a frustrated sigh and it annoyed me. It's not like I wanted to be in her presence anymore then she wanted to be in mine.

"Have you got a problem McCabe?" I ask, my words laced with venom.

"Yes, being here with you" she replied fiercely

Before I could reply to her words the elevator came to a sodden halt. The lights flashing off and on quickly. We were both stood there in shock, not really knowing what to do. I could feel my body start to fill with anxiety, this was one of my biggest fears, being stuck in such a small space. The person I was stuck in here with didn't make me feel any better either.

"Fuck" Katie muttered under her breath, walking to the display of buttons on the wall and pressing the emergency one.

I felt stuck to the spot, my brain going through all the things that could go wrong in this moment.
The elevator falling to the floor.
The lights switching off.
No one finding us.
Just to name a few. Katie had obviously picked up on my behavior, how I hadn't moved or spoken since the elevator stopped moving.

"Someone will find us, y/n. I've pressed the emergency button so whoever fixes this stuff will be on the way and hopefully be here soon" she said, the soft voice she spoke to me in contrasting the cold one she normally used.

I hate to admit it but her words calmed me down a lot which is surprising. I walked backwards until my body was flush with the wall behind me and then slid to the floor. Katie watching my actions and then following suit a few feet over.

Once again the space filled with silence while we waited impatiently for help to arrive. We couldn't even call anyone as there was no signal so all we could do was wait.

I felt her eyes on me as mine stared forward at the closed doors of the elevator praying they would open any moment. I could tell she wanted to ask me something.

"Just say it Katie, whatever it is. I'm sure we're not going to be alone like this again so just say it" I said meeting her uneasy gaze that was already on me

She moved her body so she was sitting in front of me on the dusty floor.

"Why do u hate me?" She said her, words surrounded by a nervous curiosity and her deep blue eyes staring into my own.

I took me a while to come up with an answer. I have never known the real reason I didn't like Katie, but I didn't hate her. I guess I just thought she didn't like me and if that was the case I didn't like her either.

"I don't hate you Katie. I just feel like we never got to know each other properly and just assumed that we didn't get along when maybe that wasn't the truth" I said, startled at how honest I was being with her right now.

"I agree y/n, I don't know why we didn't give each other a chance, I feel like I would really like you" she said a small smile growing on her face.

I will admit that even though I didn't like her very much, it didn't mean I don't find her extremely attractive. And when she was so close to me, looking at me with those eyes and smiling her perfect smile it was hard to resist.

"Yeah, me too" I let out, my words just above a whisper

We sat on the cold elevator floor just looking into each others eyes for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. I was snapped out of my daze when her eyes snapped down to my lips and then back to my eyes. And before I could stop myself mine were doing the same. I wanted her lips on mine.

Her hand made its way onto my arm, slowly snaking its way behind my neck and pulling me closer to her. My hand moved to her waist. Our faces only inches apart, our breath mingling as we hesitate to move any closer.

Finally we close the distance and I feel her lips against mine. Her hand moving from my neck to tangle between the baby hairs at the nape of my neck. I let out a small moan. Maybe this was it. Maybe this was all I wanted to do since the moment I saw her and I just didn't know it until now.

The kiss lasts a few seconds. Not nearly long enough, before we slowly pull away, putting a sliver of space between our lips and looking into each others eyes.

My lips ached to be on hers again but before I could return them where they were desperate to be, we heard noise's coming from outside of the elevator. The noise snapped us out of the bubble we had been in moments ago.

The doors were slowly forced open, and we were back to reality. But I didn't want to be.

I received hugs from worried teammates telling me how scared they were but all I could think about was her. I never expected to ever feel this way to someone I thought I hated but I do and I can't stop it now that I know what her lips feel like on mine.

I stood in the crowded hall surrounded by people, my body in a state of shock. So much had happened in the last hour and I didn't know what to do.

Katie and I made eye contact before she turned around and headed to her room. I didn't know what this meant. How could I go back to hating her when I now feel the total opposite. I wondered if she felt the same.


Not sure how I feel about this but lmk your thoughts x

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