18. Do you want a massage?

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Training today was intense. I don't think my body is fully used to it yet. being out with an injury, I had to miss training for a few months so it's been a while since I ran that much.

Katie was seemingly unbothered, which wasn't surprising. As I walked to the car after training, my legs felt like jelly and i thought I was about to collapse in the middle of the car park. But thankfully I did make it to the car. Barely.

Katie found it funny how effected I was by the training saying it was an easy session. She soon stopped laughing when I shot her a glare from the passenger seat.

When we walked through the front door, I just about made it to the couch before collapsing onto it.
"Ugh my legs are killing me" i moaned, my words muffled by the sofa cushions I was laying face down in. I head Katie chuckle from the kitchen.
"I know what will make you feel better" Katie says walking back into the living room where I was still sprawled out on the sofa. When I heard this my head lifted.
"What?" I asked quizzically, narrowing my eyes to look at her.
"Do you want a massage?" Katie said tilting her head and giving me a small smile. i let out a sigh, a small smile making its way into my face
"I want nothing more" I say meeting her eyes with mine to show my appreciation. Katie carefully climbed into the sofa, placing her knees either side of my body. She started rubbing my thighs making me relax into the sofa more. She focused mostly on my thighs and calves as they were caring the most issues but her hands also made their way up to my back and shoulders. If Katie wasn't a footballer I think she should've become a masseuse because she's amazing at it. I love when she massages me, it doesn't happen often but when it does I savor the feeling.

As she finished, I let out a sigh.
"Thank you baby, that's exactly what I needed" i said lifting my body from the sofa and placing a long kiss on her lips to show her how grateful I was.


Katie disappeared upstairs for a while and when she emerged again she walked over to me.
"I've ran you a bath to help you soothe your muscles" she says as she pulls me up by my hands, and leads me to the bathroom.

Katie adds the bubbles into the tub and I climb in. The warm water enveloping me and instantly soothing my sore muscles. Katie tries to walk out but i stop her
"Get in, I bet you're all achy as well" I say as I move backwards to make room for her in front of me. She doesn't object and quickly climbs in. Letting out a content sigh as she moves further down and rests her back on my chest.

After we sat there for a while just enjoying the moment, and letting the warm water soak away the pains and aces that training caused. We got out and got changed into our pajamas. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after we got comfortable in bed and put on a movie. I love when Katie looks after me. Even the little things she does makes such a difference to me. I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful girlfriend.

- thoughts?? Xx

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