23. Long day

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Since I injured my leg, I haven't been able to train with the girls and I've been stuck in the gym for 2 weeks. I hate it.
Katie had today off but I had to go in to the training ground and do gym work all day and I'm exhausted.

I walk through the front door, putting my keys off the side and throwing my bag down. As I walk through into the living room the smell of food fills my senses and it brings a smile to my face. I see Katie laying on the sofa and make my way over to her. Once I reach her I lie my body on top of hers, desperate to be in her arms after a long day.

"Hey baby, how was the gym?" She asks, rubbing her hands up and down my back

"Shit, I hate it, I just want to be back training with everyone" i sigh into her chest

"I know, but you need to build your strength up again. You're nearly there, only a few more weeks" she reassures me while kissing my head

I hum in response not wanting to talk about it anymore.

I must've fallen asleep because I'm woken up by Katie tucking some loose hair behind my ear.

"Morning sleepy head, I've made dinner" she says softly with a cute smile on her face. I give her a smile and follow her into the kitchen.
She's made us chicken and vegetables and set both plates on the table, it smells so good. After grabbing a drink each, we sit down. Throughout dinner we just chat about anything and everything. I always look forward to coming home after a long day because spending time with Katie feels so easy.

We finish dinner and wash up the dishes. We go back into the living room, curling up together on the sofa again, putting on a film. My head resting on Katie's chest and her fingers running through my hair. This is how i always want to spend my evenings with her, in our home.

Little bit of a short one, hope you like it x

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