28. Can you get me? (Part 2)

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Katie's POV:

I wake up, the morning sun peeking through the curtains not helping in any way to soothe the banging headache I have right now.

I sit up in the bed, noticing the empty space next to me. It takes a while for me to fully grasp what's going on. My memory is a bit blurry but I try and recall what happened last night.

I remember feeling really stressed at training, I'm not too sure why but everything was making me feel overwhelmed so when I finished I decided to go out, by myself and not tell anyone. I can honestly be so stupid sometimes. Thinking back on my decision now, i realize how dangerous it was and a wave of guilt washes over me. Y/n must of been so worried. I'm such an idiot.

I went into the first club I saw after getting out of the taxi and ordered way too many drinks resulting in my memory becoming very fuzzy after I had a few shots of tequila, which I am now paying for with this violent hangover.

I groan running my hands over my face. I hear noise coming from the kitchen and suspect y/n had woken up before me. I climb out of bed and throw my hair into a messy bun. As I'm walking towards the door, I get a glance of myself in the mirror, ignoring how rough I look, I notice that I'm in my pajamas which i definitely didn't put on myself meaning y/n did it even though she was angry with me. This realization causes another wave of guilt to wash over me.

I make my way, meekly into the kitchen and see my girlfriend emptying the dishwasher. This behavior gives me an indication that I've fucked up massively. She obsessively cleans when she's angry and the spotless kitchen proves my point.

"Morning" I say quietly
She doesn't turn around, only looks over her shoulder at me then goes back to putting glasses away.

"y/n I'm really sorry about last night. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you must've been so worried and I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was. I was just really overwhelmed, and the only thing I could think to do was to be by myself and I know it was stupid of me to go out to a club alone" I let out, wanting to at least explain myself to her.

She turns around now to look at me, leaning against the counter behind her, i carry on

"I'm really sorry, sorry I worried you amd sorry for acting like an idiot. thank you for picking me up taking me home I know I was acting like a twat and didn't deserve it " I say looking down, embarrassed at my behavior last night. I look up again and meet her eyes, waiting anxiously for her to say something

"I was so worried Katie, I wouldn't have cared if you went out but it was the fact you didn't tell anyone where you were, do you know how stupid and dangerous that is. And the main reason I'm upset is we had a date planned and you seem to have completely forgotten which hurts because I was so excited about it and obviously you couldn't care less" she says, clearly upset

"Shit" I let out quietly
"I'm so sorry, it completely slipped my mind yesterday, I was so caught up with my own feelings, I'm so selfish" i say, my head dropping to my hands and my heart along with it. I hate seeing y/n upset and I hate even more that I'm the reason.

"I would have understood if you cancelled, but you didn't tell me Katie. You didn't communicate any of your feelings to me so I thought you just didn't want to spend time with me and chose to get drunk instead" she said, her voice becoming shaky.

"I'm sorry, I always want to spend time with you, I love spending time with you. I just wasn't myself yesterday but I'm going to make it up to you today. I'll make this day all about you, we can do whatever you want because I want to show you that I'm sorry and I love you" I say walking around the kitchen island and pulling her into a hug, kissing her temple. She lets out a sigh and wraps her arms around me.

"Don't ever do anything like that again katie,I mean it" she says firmly

"I won't, I promise" I say holding her tighter.

I know it's going to take a lot for her to fully forgive me, and I don't blame her. I acted so irresponsibly and hurt her and I'll do whatever it takes to make it right.


Not sure how I feel about this, lmk you're opinions x

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