11. What just happened? (Part3)

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It's been 2 months since Megan walked out of my life and I haven't heard from her since. I am kind of glad though,  I realized I deserve to be treated better than how she was treating me.

It was a hard couple of months, getting used to life without her and adjusting to living alone again. Katie and Jordan have been amazing, always checking on me and being here for me on the bad days.

Me and Katie haven't addressed what happened between us that night apart from her texting me after she left saying
'Im sorry, it wasn't my intention to make u feel uncomfortable, I don't know what came over me but I know it wasn't the right thing to do after Megan left. Hope we can move past this.'
I appreciated her texting me about it, but I didn't want to just brush it under the rug I wanted to tell her that I felt the same way but there hasn't been the right moment yet.

Over the past 2 months every time she has come over for dinner or even just talking to her at training I can't help but admire her beauty and wonder how i never noticed how much I love her smile and her dimples and her eyes and just everything about her really.It's been torture because all I want to do is kiss her.

Today I'm at Katie's and we have just finished the pasta dish she had made for us. Me going round Katie's wasn't unusual, we normally had dinner together a few times a week and this was no different.

It's around 9pm and we're both sat on the sofa under a blanket with one of the men's football games on in the background while we talk about random things. I look at the clock and realize how late it is and sigh because I hate driving in the dark. Katie sees the reluctance on my face and offers me the spare room. I agree because we don't have training tomorrow and it gives me a reason to spend more time with Katie, which is my favorite thing.

It's now 11pm and I lean over Katie's sleeping body trying not to move too much so her head won't fall off my chest to grab the tv remote to turn the tv off. I just look down at Katie for a while just admiring how peaceful she looks while she's sleeping until I realize I'm being creepy and I nudge her lightly.
"Hey Katie, we need to go to bed" i say in a hushed d voice, moving a strand of hair from her face. She just groans opening her eyes slowly.

Once all the lights are off downstairs we make our way upstairs and both get ready for bed.

"Night y/n, come get me if you need anything" Katie says with a smile before disappearing into her room that's across the hall from the one I'm staying in. I reply with by saying "goodnight" before doing the same.


I wake up sweating and breathing heavily. I've just had a nightmare which are seemingly more frequent since Megan left. I lean over beside me to check the time on my phone. It's 2am 'great' i sigh, I normally can't sleep after having a nightmare and I don't want to be awake for the rest of the night.

After a few minutes of contemplating if this is a bad idea i decide to just bite the bullet and i make my way to Katie door.
I knock quietly and after a few seconds a hear a faint 'come in' from the other side. I slowly open the door revealing a tired a confused looking Katie. When she sees my face it turns to a worried look.
"What happened?" She asks sitting up and turning her bedside lamp on
" I just had another one of them nightmares and I can't sleep now" i say kind of embarrassed, feeling guilty for waking her up over this. Katie doesn't reply, she just pulls the cover up next to her and pats it, i climb in next to her. She turns off the lamp and then i  feel her arms wrap around my back and pull me into her chest as soon as she does this I let put a content sigh at the amount of comfort just being in her arms gives me. I soon drift into a peaceful sleep in the arms of my favorite girl.

I wake up still wrapped in Katie's arms. I look up to see the morning sun lightly shining on her face giving her skin a faint golden glow. I just look at her until her eyes slowly open. When she looks at me she gives me a smile.
"Morning" she says, her morning voice still raspy. Hearing it causes me to smile.
"Morning, sorry for coming in here last night" I say a slight blush forming on my cheeks.
"Don't be silly, I love having you in my bed" after she says this her cheeks mirror the blush that was apparent on mine moments ago. The dimly lit room fills with tension after what she said sinks in. What I noticed is that she didn't correct herself which I liked.
The tension begins to build as her eyes switch from looking at my eyes to looking at my lips and I feel mine doing the same.
We both begin to lean in, her hand once again meeting the back of my neck. This time having no one to interrupt us our lips meet. The kiss starts off caring and timid, neither of us wanting to scare the other off. The kiss begins to grow more passionate and intense after we realize how desperate the pair of us were to feel each other's lips on theirs. The tension that once filled the room has disappeared and had morphed into relief. As the kids started to cool down we pulled away and Katie broke the silence, her face only inches from mine.
"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?" She says with a slight smirk. I reply by giving her lips another peck and moving my head so it was laying under hers to hide my smile. Her hands, once again found my back as she placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

The rest of the morning consisted of us laying in bed sneaking kisses every so often until it was time for me to go home. I didn't want to leave Katie after the amazing morning we had spent together. But I left feeling so content with the new bond we had just created and I hoped we would have hundreds of more mornings just laying in each others arms.

Didn't know what direction to take this in but hope you enjoy it. Think this will be the last part of this little story xx

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