21. Can you stay?

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Arsenal have just won a match against Manchester United earlier today and the girls have decided we should go out to  celebrate. I agreed, wanting to have a few drinks tonight and relax.


Beth texted me as I was getting ready saying we can share a taxi and that she would text when they were outside. I assumed most of the girls would be sharing taxis too as no one wants to drive tonight.

I was just applying the finishing touches to my makeup and putting my heels on, a decision I would probably regret later when I'm on the dance floor.

Beth texted saying they were outside my apartment, so I made my way downstairs and out the door, locking it behind me.

I got into the back of the taxi and smiled, some of the girls looked as if they have had a few drinks while getting ready, Beth included.
"HEYYY, come on get in " she said, her loud voice barely audible over the blaring music coming from the speaker.
"Hey guys" I said to the girls around me letting out a chuckle at Beth and the Leah, who looked as tipsy as Beth was. I'm surprised the taxi driver hasn't kicked them out yet, i think to myself as I'm handed a drink by Caitlin.

We pull up outside the club in London and all pile out of the car, most of us feeling the buzz from the drinks we had consumed on the way. We were meeting Steph, Katie, lia and kyra who got a different taxi inside.

Once we were all inside and had met up with the other girls we ordered drinks and sat at a table, laughing and talking about random things.

The night continued, everyone getting progressively more drunk. It was now around 2am, thank god we didn't have training tomorrow, I thought to myself watching the girls dancing and enjoying themselves, Beth and Vivs dance moves making a smile grow on my face as I watched from the bar.

I ordered another drink, telling myself it would be my last one of the night. As I was waiting for the bartender to make my vodka coke, a tall and seemingly very drunk man approached me.
"Hey gorgeous" he mumbled in his thick London accent as his hand snaked around my waist. I felt my heartbeat pick up. I tried pushing him off me but he just came back and tightened his grip on my waist.
"Get off me" I said my voice stern, trying to hide how scared I was. He didn't reply but his head lowered to my neck and he started kissing me. That was it.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I shouted, using all my strength to push this creep off of me, he stumbled back causing a scene in the process. Katie who was the closest to me quickly made her way over, shoving the guy further away from me, shouting and swearing at him but i couldn't make out any words, all I heard was ringing in my ears and my heart beat pounding in my chest. I needed to leave, I couldn't breathe. I turned around moving hastily towards the exit, passing security on the way who I presumed were going towards the scene that had just occurred.

I made it outside, moving further away from the club. I stood for a moment, trying to catch my breath. I felt a hand on my arm causing me to jump
"Hey, sorry it's just me, are you okay?" Katie said, a look of concern covering her face. I stayed quiet, I didn't know how to respond, I think I was in a bit of shock.
Katies hand moved to my cheek, her thumb gently wiping the tears that I didn't notice were falling.
"I need to go home" i said, barely above a whisper.
"Okay, we can do that" Katie said softly, giving me a small, comforting smile. She moved towards the road to flag a taxi down. I stayed still, my hands wrapping around my arms to try and feel some warmth. I could feel my body shaking, not sure if it was from the cold or the lingering feeling of that man's lips on my neck.

Katie made her way back over to me. Her hand on my arm snapping me out of my thoughts as she led me towards the car, opening the door for me and getting in after. She told the driver my address then took my hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

Katie has always been an amazing friend to me, never pushing me to do anything and always knowing what I need in moments like this. She knew I needed the comfort, but didn't push me to speak.

I didn't know how to feel about the whole situation. I was angry that I didn't stick up for myself sooner, and I let that creep get closer to me and put his hands on me. I felt so vulnerable, like anyone can do anything to me if they wanted to. I felt sick.

I felt Katie's eyes on me, feeling like she could read my thoughts.
"It's not your fault" she let out quietly, squeezing my hand that she was still holding.
I turned to face her giving her a smile.
" thank you Katie, and thank you for being here" I said, my voice still a bit shaky
"You don't need to thank me, that's what I'm here for. I'll always be here for you" she told me, looking into my eyes. I smiled again before turning to look out the window, not seeing much as it was late and dark.

We pulled up outside my apartment, I reached into my bag to find my purse, going to pay the driver but Katie had beaten me to it.
"I'll walk you inside" Katie said, before getting out the car. I didn't protest, not wanting to be alone right now.

We got to my door and I took my key out, opening it. Pushing it open, we walked inside. I took my heels off leaving then at the door, feeling a wave of relief once they were off.
"I'll grab u some water, go and get ready for bed" Katie said to me before disappearing into the kitchen. I obeyed, getting into my pajamas and taking my makeup off in the bathroom.

I sat on the end of my bed, my head falling into my hands. Even after scrubbing my neck I still felt it. Felt his lips. Felt his hands. I sighed, tears rolling down my cheeks and falling off my chin. I heard Katie walk into my room, placing the water next to my bed and sitting next to me. I looked up at her, she didn't say anything, just pulled me into her. We stayed like that for a while.
"It's late, and you should get some sleep" Katie let out, her head still on my shoulder.
"Can you stay?, I don't want to be alone" I asked nervously
"Of course, if that's what you want" she said pulling back and cupping my cheeks in her hand.
I slowly rose to my feet and gave her some clothes to sleep in. She got changed in the bathroom, me getting into bed. She came out and got in next to me. I turned the light off, moving towards her, placing my head on her chest, her arm moving to my waist. It felt different from his. I wanted hers there.
"You're safe, I'm here" she whispered into my hair, before kissing the top of my head. I felt safe in her arms, I always did. I fell asleep not long after, all the emotions I felt tonight exhausting me. This night didn't go how I expected, but I was glad it ended with me in Katie's arms.

Bit of a long one also sorry for the slow updates. Hope you like it xx

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