30. A rainy night

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I've been feeling really overwhelmed today. We have a few big games coming up and I'm a bit stressed about it. The team wasn't great in training today but I'm putting it down to the girls being tired after traveling to Dublin yesterday but it doesn't stop me from worrying about our performance in the upcoming games.

When the team got back to our hotel after training, I decided to go for a walk. Most of the girls headed into the games room to play ping pong but i headed up to the room I shared with Katie and changed into some joggers and a hoodie. I grabbed my coat on the way out because surprise surprise it was raining, but when is it not in Ireland.

I headed downstairs and to the front of the hotel about to leave but before I got to the door I bumped into Katie

"Where are you off to?" She asked quizzically, obviously noticing I'm wearing a coat

"Just going for a walk, I need some time to think" I told her with a tight lipped smile.

Katie was used to me going for walks when I felt overwhelmed, we had shared a room at every ireland camp for the last 3 years and by the face she made at me when I told her I was going for a walk i think she understood why I needed to.
I always found walking relaxing, it was something I did to relieve the stress I was feeling and just disconnect from my thoughts for a bit.

I made my way out of the hotel and started my walk, taking a deep breath when I got outside. Instantly feeling calmer.


I hadn't checked my phone since I left, but when I sat down on a bench to have a break for a few minutes I took it out and noticed I had a few messages from Katie and the other girls wondering where I was, apparently I had been gone for 4 hours. It didn't feel like it had been that long but I understood why they were worried. I texted them saying I was on my way back.

As I was walking back to the hotel, the rain that had been lightly falling throughout my walk started to get heavier until it was absolutely chucking it down. It didn't take long until I was completely soaked, my jacket now doing little to keep the rain out.

When I finally made it back to the hotel, i was freezing and dripping all over the floor which was probably irritating to the workers.

I got up to our room and just about knocked on the door, my body being too stiff and cold to dig my keycard out of my pocket. Katie quickly opened the door and when she saw me she burst out laughing. I would've laughed too but I felt like an ice cube so I just walked inside, wanting to get out of these clothes as soon as possible.

I started peeling the layers of clothing that were basically stuck to my skin, off my body. Katie sat on the bed still laughing at me. I pulled my t shirt over my head and stepped out of my joggers, leaving me standing in my underwear. Katie had stopped laughing now, her silence made me smirk. I felt her eyes on my body but I pretended not to notice, grabbing a towel and change of clothes and walking towards the bathroom, her eyes following my every move.

I stepped into the warm shower, the water instantly warming me up. I washed my hair and my body but I couldn't help but think of katie, they way she looked at me and the way it made me feel. I'd always found her attractive, but we were friends and I knew that. But the way her eyes scanned over my body made me want her to be more than that.

I got out of the shower, getting changed. I walked out of the bathroom noticing Katie was in bed. Another thing I noticed was how cold our room was, I got into my bed pulling the covers up trying to warm myself up but it wasn't working. I was shivering and Katie had noticed.
She let out a soft chuckle.

"I hope your not getting a cold, you're still shaking " she told me while smirking

"Hey, it's not funny" i said trying to hide my smile

Katie lifted up the duvet next to her and patted the empty space, this action surprising me

"Come here, my body heat will warm you up and my beds next to the radiator" she said with a smile still present on her face

I obliged, not willing to pass up the opportunity of sleeping in the same bed as Katie, and being warm was a plus as well.

I climbed into the bed next to her. The room was dark now, both our lamps turned off. I couldn't make out her face but I could tell she was laying on her back. I still felt cold and I started shivering again

"Sorry, I'm still cold" I giggled nervously, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Katie didn't reply, I felt her arms go around my back pulling my head into her chest. I was tense at first but i soon relaxed, the feeling of being in her arms made me realize how long I have wanted this for. I wasn't shivering anymore, them being replaced by goosebumps caused by the feeling of her breath on my neck.

I felt my eyes starting to close, the comforting smell of Katie's vanilla perfume and the 4 hour walk sending me into a deep sleep.

Im not sure what this means for us but i don't want to think about that right now. I just want to stay in her arms for as long as possible.


I hate this but oh well.

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