6. Phone call

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Me and Katie have just finished our breakfast, it's a Wednesday so we don't have training today.

As I'm washing up the dishes from breakfast, my phone rings from the counter behind me. As I dry my hands I look who's calling and see my mothers name across the screen.

Our relationship has always been complicated. Whenever we speak it always results in an argument so I try and minimize the conversations we have, either over the phone or in person. H

We haven't spoken in a while, due to me being busy recently and us living 4 hours apart, also not wanting to start another pointless argument with my mother. But the avoidance had come to an end as I answer the phone and bring it to my ear.

I'll spare the details of the phone call but it entailed a civilized conversation at first and gradually led into my mother voicing her opinions on me working too much and her not agreeing with mine and Katie's relationship. That's another reason why our conversations are so sporadic. She dislikes that I'm in a relationship with a woman.

The phone call ended in me telling her my life is none of her business anymore and hanging up the phone. I would lie and say these arguments with her don't affect me anymore but they do even if I'm used to hearing her harsh words. But they will always hurt.

During our conversation, Katie had made her way into the kitchen, evidently hearing the heated discussion i was having over the phone. when I ended the call she moved behind me and slid her hands around my waist. I just sighed, leaning into her touch, needing the comfort.

" I just hate the way her words have such and effect on me, and how one conversation with her messes with my head so much" I say closing my eyes, trying to prevent her words finding their way into my thoughts. She knew who I was talking about without me having to tell her.
"I've told you to ignore her calls, she never has anything positive to say about you,and you shouldn't have to hear talk about you like that." Katie says, my mothers words obviously effecting her too. I just turn my head enough to be able to meet her lips with my own, silently thanking her.

It's now the evening and a few of the girls from the team have come over for a few drinks.

Leah, Caitlin, Steph, Beth, Viv, me and Katie are now all sat around the living room with our drinks and various snacks in front of us.

The night was going well and I had forgotten about my previous argument until Leah started saying that it was her mums birthday tomorrow and how well the pair of them got on.The conversation continued, a few of the other girls talking about how great their mothers were.

As this was going on I felt Katie's eyes on me every few minutes obviously waiting for me to react to the chosen topic of conversation. In the end, I stood up excusing myself, telling the girls I was getting another drink. As I was leaving I made eye contact with Katie and her facial expression was worried, I just gave her a smile trying to reassure her I was okay, but in reality I wasn't and I think she knew that because just minutes after I made it into the kitchen, the door opened again and Katie entered, the same worried expression still apparent on her face.

She walks over to where I'm leaning my back against the counter and looks at me.
"Are you okay?" She asks, choosing to stand opposite me.
"I think it's funny, they're talking about how amazing their mums are when I can't even have a normal conversation with mine" i say letting out an amused chuckle, not meeting Katie's eyes.
"It's not funny though, and it's okay to be upset about it. I know how hard it must be hearing them talking about that after what happened earlier. You don't have to put on a brave face in front of me, you know that." Katie says giving me a small smile and closing the distance between us and pulling me into a tight hug. I don't know how she always knows just what I need in every moment, even when I don't but I'm glad she does because I did really need that hug.

When we pull away, she wipes the few tears i let fall during our embrace, then cups my face in her hands and gives me gentle kiss.

"I love you" I whisper as we pull away.
"I love you. Now come on, I can hear Beth shouting and I don't want to get a noise complaint" Katie says while smirking. We walk back into the living room chuckling, and join the girls on the sofa again.

The rest of the night went smoothly, mainly thanks to Katie keeping her hand placed on my leg reassuringly for the remainder of it.


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