Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks sense this whole twitter thing with Lauren started, and to say it's blown up would be an understatement. Lauren has been getting asked if she's gonna take Camila to prom during Her interviews, Camila is seeing her pictures on the front of magazines. It's crazy. Not to mention everyone in school is looking at Camila like she's a freak. They keep calling Her an "Attention whore" or saying that Lauren isn't only pittying her.

Camila was starting to believe it, she has stooped talking to Lauren everyday, and Lauren can tell something is up.

L- Hey Dinah, is Camila okay?

D- She could be better

L- Why, what's going on?

D- Its just this whole prom thing, people at our school are calling Her an attention whore, or they are saying your just pittying her...She's starting to believe it.

L- That's not True at all!

D- I know that, and she knows that but you know how things can get, stuff gets to you even when you don't truly believe it

L- That's it, I'm visiting you guys

D- Seriously! When?

L- Ill probably get a flight late tonight or early tomorrow... Don't Tell Camila

D- Your secret is safe with me!

The rest of the night they were texting about Camila, and what they are going to do when they hang out.

While Lauren and Dinah were coming up with there master plan, Camila was sitting in her room, jamming to some of Lauren's songs.

"Camila! Can you help me with something?" Mother Cabello asked her daughter from the bottom of the stairs.

Camila went to go help her mother, when she was done she layed back down in her bed and saw that her phone was blowing up, she looked on twitter and rolled her eyes.

Lauren subtweeted about Her... Or so people think.

@Laurenjauregui: I miss talking to you.

A bunch of fans started commenting.

@Laurenjeaurguislayme: OMG Camren!

@Lauren96: @Laurenjauregui @Camilacabello97 Camila is she talking about you!?

@Jaureguithe1975: @Laurenjauregui @Camilacabello97 Camila answer Lauren! #Camren

Camila then saw that Lauren had texted her.

L- Hey Camzi

C- Hey.

L- Ouch...No Lolo and a period?

C- I just don't want to talk Right now...

L- Then why did you answer?

C- So I don't hurt your feelings...

L- Can you at least tell me why you don't want to talk to me?

C- Lauren...because of this whole prom thing, it's just alot to handle, and I know you know because you and Dinah text like everyday

L- Fine, Just ignore those idiot at your school, if I was pittying you I wouldn't be texting your best friend, or texting you...I like you Camila so the people at your school don't know shit.

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