Chapter 15. Home Sick

Start from the beginning

"Um... Ruin- do you ever... Miss your home-?"

"Not really- This is my home. It always as been."

Ruin grabs Solar's hand,the drunk affects being pretty much gone by now, and they bring him up to the upper deck.

"W-Wait what about the food-?"

"Gemini's a horrible cook, it'll take some time."


Ruin sits down near the ledge of the boat.

Solar sits down next to them, the two staring off into the distance.

"So you've always lived on water-?"

"Mhm. This boat to be exact."

"That's- kinda cool- um- I hadn't even been on a boat till I ran into you all- though..."


"... I love it here... and I love you of course- but..."


"... I haven't even been here for too long- but I already want to go back..."



"Um... I don't know- I hate my mother... Not like I have anyone to go back to... but... My family... All died there..."

"It almost feels wrong that I didn't either..."

"... You talk about your family quite a bit, how many did you have?"

"Oh um- well, I have- well... Had twin older brothers... Ray, Beam..., and my Papa."

He calls his father Papa- ... I wouldn't had been allowed to.

Didn't ever risk it.

"What were they like-?"

"W-Well- Ray was... Nice... Though... He lost almost all mobility around his final years... I think Ray became more or less bedridden once he had hit 19-? They where only a year older then me..."

"That's- really young- was your brother sick-?"

"... Is one way or another yeah... He wasn't- psychically sick at the start- Ray was... So... Happy, and energetic before hand, us three would run around the coast- our Papa watching over us from behind..."

"O-Our m-mother... Made Ray immobile..."

Tears started to roll down Solar's face, quickly wiping them away.

"You don't have to go into detail-"

"... N-No- I want to talk about it..."

"Can I get a bit closer-?"

"... I'd like that..."

Ruin scootches closer to Solar, Solar leaning against Ruin's body.

"S-She would... Our Mother would... Beat- us... All... Though- um... She'd always target whoever was the oldest first- and... Ray had came out a bit before Beam..."

"I would hear him screaming... Every single night... She'd come back from a long day at the pub and..."

... I- I need to stop drinking.

"I can stop drinking-"

"N-No- no it's fine- I- I know you won't do that... Though... I do get a bit scared..."

"I'll try to cut back on it... I guess over the years I've only been taking in more and more... Probably not the healthiest thing to do..."

"You would do that-? For me-?"

"Of course love, if I'm making you uncomfortable in anyway- I want to fix that."

"T-Thank you- um anyways- Ray- wasn't in the best mental setting either- he'd describe seeing odd images and creatures talking to him- sometimes me or Beam would catch him talking to himself in the middle of the night- or trying to play with them when he was younger..."

"Did you ever find out why Ray was seeing things-?"

"No... Thing's got concerning very quickly- we tried but... They never left..."


"We catched- me and Beam... Ray was holding a knife... He didn't even understand what was real and fake sometimes... At some point he'd stop telling us what he saw... Though even after he became immobile- stuck in his room... He'd keep talking to them..."

"That must've been terrifying for him... I've heard of something like that before..."

"It was hard to understand what he was going through- literally- his speech was kind of off- he'd jump from one topic to another completely unrelated topic sometimes-"

"You seem to really be in tune with Ray here-"

"Well yeah- I was the youngest- Both Ray and Beam more or less raised me- my Dad wasn't ever in the best shape either..."

"Sorry- I- I've been rambling..."

"No, keep talking, I like it."

"W-What- why-?"

"Well... Other then the fact that as your partner I want to know more about you- and... Overall, I like to get to know my crew. I've had similar conversations with the others."

"You're really nice Ruin-"

"... Thanks... Anyways, would you like to keep talking?"

"Y-Yeah um... This is helping- oddly-"

Is it really considered 'nice' just to let someone talk-?

... Monty always let me talk to them, and the other way around...

I always saw that as normal- Monty is normal in that sense.

Everyone else was just rude, mean...

"I'm glad I can help you then."

"Ok- um... Ray- actually I'll talk about the other's first- um- before I start with- um- so my dad... Was... The best."

"When I was younger- he'd bring me to the coast and tell me about the old pirate raiders, those scared me as a child- though he'd also tell me about a old group of pirate traveler's, who'd go around and help people..."

I've never even heard about that...

"I think that's what got me so- interested in pirates- um-"

Solar starts blushing, Ruin looking at him, eyes sparkling in the sky.


Gemini screams at the top of their lungs, Solar and Ruin just now realizing just how long they've been at upper deck.

"Let's continue this after breakfast?"


Ruin holds Solar's hand, and the two stand up, and head down for breakfast.



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