41: Epilogue

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*Sophia POV*

My phone vibrated urgently, interrupting the monotony of the classroom. Slipping out into the hallway, I answered with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

"Dad?" I questioned, my voice wavering."Hey, sweetheart, I'm coming to pick you up," his voice sounded strained, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What's going on, Dad?" I inquired, feeling a knot of worry tighten in my stomach.

"I need to tell you in person. Just get your stuff ready. I just got off the phone with the school," he replied, his words laden with gravity.

My heart skipped a beat. "You're scaring me. What's wrong?" I pressed, my voice trembling with anxiety.

"They... they've made some arrests, related to your case," he confessed, his tone softening with concern.

The hallway seemed to blur around me as his words sank in. "What?" I gasped, struggling to comprehend the implications of his revelation.

"Listen, just grab your things and wait in the office. It'll be okay. I'm on my way," he reassured me, though his words did little to ease the turmoil swirling within me.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis, memories of past trauma resurfacing with alarming clarity. It felt as if I were being pulled back into the darkness I had fought so hard to escape. The progress I had made in therapy and with medication suddenly felt insignificant in the face of this new threat.

"Sophia?" My dad's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, but it sounded distant, as if coming from a great distance. I struggled to focus, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty.

I followed the school counselor's lead, my mind in a fog as she ushered me into her office. The room felt strangely familiar yet distant, like a scene from a recurring dream. As I sank into the chair, the events unfolding around me seemed surreal, as if I were observing them from a great distance.

Voices floated in and out of my consciousness, the words barely registering as my thoughts swirled in a maelstrom of confusion. It was as if I had checked out of my body, a mere spectator to the chaos unfolding before me.

Then, suddenly, my dad was there, his presence a lifeline in the midst of the tumult. He guided me through the maze of hallways, his hand a reassuring anchor in the storm. But even as he led me forward, I felt as though I were drifting further and further away, untethered from reality.

As we approached the front of the school, the sight of the waiting reporters sent a jolt of fear coursing through me. Camera flashes erupted like lightning, illuminating the scene in a blinding frenzy of light and sound.Hesitation gripped me as we paused at the threshold, the onslaught of attention overwhelming. Yet, amidst the chaos, the school staff and local police moved swiftly to create a path for us through the crowd.

Stepping outside, the noise reached a crescendo, the clamor of voices rising to a deafening roar. Reporters clamored for my attention, their words blending into an unintelligible cacophony. And in that moment, I felt myself slipping further into a state of dissociation, the world around me spinning wildly as I struggled to find my footing in the chaos. We finally reached the car and made our escape.

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