8: Reflections

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*Tyler POV*

I couldn't help but replay the encounter with Chris in my mind, his fear-stricken expression etched into my memory. It bothered me deeply that I had unintentionally scared him, and I couldn't shake off the guilt. But what confused me even more was my own reaction to his presence.

As I sat in my room, lost in thought, I questioned why Chris's reaction had affected me so much. Why did I care so deeply about his fear, and why did I feel the need to comfort him? It was as if there was an unexplainable connection between us, something that went beyond simple neighborly concern.

I found myself analyzing my own emotions, realizing that there was something more to this connection than I initially thought. Chris's appearance had left an indelible mark on my mind. His long blond hair, falling into his eye, made him look effortlessly cool. And those steel blue eyes, so intense and captivating, seemed to hold a world of secrets but I could tell they held immense pain.

But it wasn't just his physical appearance that had captivated me. It was the vulnerability hidden beneath his guarded exterior. The way he carried himself, his cautious nature, and the scars that adorned his body I felt as is I needed to protect him.

In that moment, as I sat contemplating my own feelings, a realization dawned upon me. I had never felt this way about anyone before, regardless of their gender. It was a revelation that hit me with both surprise and confusion. Could it be that I was attracted to Chris? And, could it be that I was gay?

The notion seemed foreign to me, as if it clashed with everything I had known about myself. But as I dwelled on it, I couldn't deny the intensity of my emotions, the way my heart raced whenever I thought of him. It was as if a dormant part of me had awakened, stirring a mix of emotions that I struggled to comprehend.

Yet, amidst this confusion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. After all Chris had to have been through something traumatic obviously by his reaction to me.

As I grappled with these swirling thoughts and conflicting emotions, I made a silent promise to myself. I would be patient, understanding, and respectful of Chris's boundaries. I would do my best to figure out what'd happened to him. And to figure out why I felt this way about him.

As I readied myself for bed, my thoughts revolved around Chris. The encounter earlier had left me perplexed and eager to understand his reaction towards me. I couldn't help but feel remorse for unintentionally scaring him, and I was determined to make things right.

Deciding that I would try to apologize and perhaps see Chris again, I felt an undeniable urge to be in his presence. There was something about his delicate frame that ignited a fierce protective instinct within me. I wanted to ensure his comfort and reassure him that my intentions were genuine.


I woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. Going through my usual morning routine, I stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water to wash away any lingering doubts. Thoughts of Chris intertwined with my daily musings, leaving me eager to see him once more.

After dressing for the day, I joined my family downstairs for breakfast. As we gathered around the table, my mom, dad, my younger brother Jake, and I engaged in casual conversation. The topic eventually turned to our new neighbors, Chris and his parents, whom my mom and I had already met briefly.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Chris?" my mom asked, her curiosity evident.

I paused for a moment, carefully considering my response. "We didn't have a chance to talk much. I accidentally startled him when I walked into his room yesterday. I feel bad about it."

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