20: Night of Thrills

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*Chris POV*

Weekends always felt like stolen moments of freedom, a temporary escape from the confines of school and responsibilities. They were a brief respite where time seemed to stretch out, allowing for leisurely pursuits and much-needed relaxation. But just as quickly as they came, they slipped away, leaving me yearning for more.

The return to school on Monday mornings felt like a jarring awakening from a pleasant dream. The hallways echoed with the bustling energy of students reuniting after a short separation, yet to me, the passing weeks felt like years. Each day dragged on, filled with lectures, assignments, and the monotony of routine. It was as if time itself had conspired to elongate the school week, prolonging the separation from the weekend bliss I so craved.

And so, the weeks turned into months, and before I knew it, we had settled into the rhythm of the school year. It was both surprising and disheartening how quickly time could slip away, as if the world outside the classroom had ceased to exist. The classroom walls closed in, suffocating my sense of freedom, while the calendar pages turned with ruthless efficiency. The only thing keeping me going most days was my music, that was one of the perks of long hair i could easily hide my earphones.

Throughout this time, Tyler had been my steadfast companion. His presence calmed my anxiety, providing me with a sense of security and comfort amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces. We navigated the treacherous hallways together, his protective aura shielding me from prying eyes and judgmental whispers. I still hadn't made any friends yet. I'd wanted too but the thought of talking to someone gave me too much anxiety. Tyler had made a few friends it'd seemed, in the halls he'd offer a few people a nod or a 'What's up?'. Tyler's hand intertwined with mine became my lifeline, grounding me in the chaotic corridors of teenage emotions.

Yet, amidst the safety and affection Tyler offered, a cloud of uncertainty loomed over our connection. Despite our deep bond and the intimacy we shared, our relationship remained undefined, hanging in an ambiguous limbo. Two months had slipped by without Tyler mustering the courage to ask me out. I couldn't help but question whether he actually wanted to be with me.

His protective gestures and stolen kisses hinted at his feelings, but without that official confirmation, doubts began to gnaw at the edges of my heart. It pained me to admit it, but I yearned for the security of a labeled relationship, a proclamation that we were more than just friends. I longed to share the joy of our connection with others, to proudly introduce Tyler as my partner, and to have the support of our respective families.

As the days passed, my mind became a swirling storm of confusion and longing. I couldn't help but wonder if Tyler shared my desire for clarity and commitment. Did he hesitate because he had doubts? Or was he waiting for the perfect moment to make our relationship official? The absence of answers only deepened my yearning for some sort of confirmation, a simple gesture or conversation that would bring our unspoken bond into the light.

Weekends were fleeting escapes, and school days dragged on, but what I craved most was the reassurance that Tyler and I were more than just a temporary solace in each other's lives. I hoped that soon, the walls of uncertainty would crumble, and we could proudly proclaim our love to the world. Or at least each other.

"Hey, what's wrong, Chris? You've hardly said anything all day," Tyler's concerned voice broke through my reverie, nudging me back to the present moment.

I glanced at him sheepishly, feeling the weight of my silence. "I'm always quiet," I admitted quietly, my gaze drifting down to my hands.

He gave me a knowing look, a mixture of understanding and determination. "Yeah, but not with me. What's really going on?" he whispered, shooting a quick glance at the teacher, who frowned in response. We were supposed to be working quietly on our assignment, after all.

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