18: Misinformation

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*Chris POV*

We arrived at Tyler's car, and he opened my door with a gentle touch, making sure to close it once I settled inside. He took his place in the driver's seat and started the car, but he didn't start driving just yet. I turned towards him and asked, "Did you wanna talk about it?" He let out a long sigh, and I could sense the weight on his shoulders. "He was my teacher last year," he finally confessed. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Well, I guessed that much," I replied, trying to lighten the mood.

Reaching over, I grabbed his hand, offering him some comfort. "He wanted to be the lacrosse coach but was turned down, so he takes it out on the players," he explained pausing for a moment, resting his head on the steering wheel. "He blames me specifically for the team losing last year," he admitted.

Rubbing his hand gently, I reassured him, "Well, obviously that's not true. One person can't ruin a whole team."

He looked over at me, pain evident in his eyes. "He blames me because I called him out for treating us differently. So when the time came to decide if I should be allowed to progress to tenth grade, he convinced the teachers I needed to stay back. It's his fault I was held back," Tyler revealed, his frustration palpable.

Suddenly, Tyler punched the steering wheel, causing me to jump and gasp in surprise. "Oh, Chris, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he quickly apologized, pulling me into a tight hug. "It's just so annoying because of him I have to waste a year learning the same stuff," he vented, his voice filled with irritation and disappointment.

Tyler pulled away from the hug, and I looked at him, still feeling a bit confused. "Why was there a discussion about you progressing?" I asked, trying to understand the situation. Tyler let out another sigh, his frustration apparent. "Because... I was on academic probation. I was failing most of my classes, so they... I mean, he decided it would be best to hold me back," he explained, his voice tinged with disappointment.

I nodded understandingly, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Well, this time you'll have me to keep you company," I assured him, offering a small smile of encouragement. He returned the smile, and with that, Tyler put the car in drive, starting our journey back home.

As we drove, a sense of tranquility filled the car. The soft hum of the engine and the gentle sway of the car provided a comforting rhythm. The sun was casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. We exchanged glances from time to time, silently acknowledging our shared support and understanding.

The passing scenery outside the car window seemed to blur into a mosaic of colors and shapes. The familiar streets and buildings we passed became a backdrop to our conversation, providing a sense of familiarity and comfort. Finally, we arrived at our destination. Tyler turned off the engine, and we sat in silence for a moment, savoring the peacefulness that enveloped us.

Tyler opened the car door for me, and I followed him inside his house, making our way to his room. "Where's your parents?" I asked curiously, glancing around the empty house. Tyler was already grabbing clothes, preparing to change. He pulled off his shirt and started to take off his joggers when he noticed my sudden panic.

My eyes widened with fear as I tried to control my racing thoughts. "Chris, what's wrong?" he asked, rushing over to me with concern etched on his face. I stumbled over my words, struggling to articulate the overwhelming fear that had consumed me. "I... I'm sorry," I managed to say, realizing what he had accidentally done.

In that moment, he understood, and a look of realization crossed his face. He quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on, hastily pulling up his joggers. "Chris, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," he apologized sincerely, coming closer to try and comfort me. But I couldn't bear to be touched at that moment.

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