35: Alone

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*Chris POV*

"Where's your boyfriend, faggot?" I heard a voice say from behind me as I was walking to class. My heart sank, and I clenched my fists, trying to maintain my composure. I turned up my music, the notes of my favorite song blaring in my ears, hoping to drown out the insults.

It was my first day being alone at school. Tyler was staying home for the next couple of days until his concussion wore off, and he was still dealing with migraines. His mom decided it would be best for him to stay home until they passed. Reluctantly, he agreed to stay home, and he'd been texting me all day, trying to keep me company, but it wasn't the same without him by my side, offering his unwavering support.

Suddenly, I felt something hard hit me in the head. Pain shot through me, but I kept walking, determined not to give them the satisfaction of seeing my pain. My gaze fixed on the floor, and I saw a water bottle rolling across the floor. It was just another cruel way they chose to torment me. I picked up my pace, trying to get to class sooner, hoping that the sanctuary of the classroom would offer some respite.

It was halfway through the day, and it felt like an eternity. The bullies seemed relentless, their homophobic insults following me like a shadow. They were relentless in their torment, and I couldn't escape it.

I finally made it into the classroom, my heart pounding. I rushed to my seat in the back of the room, the usual refuge from the tormentors. With a heavy heart, I laid my head down on the desk, hiding it in my arms. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold them back any longer. I cried quietly, unable to take it anymore, feeling the weight of loneliness and cruelty pressing down on me.

Class began, but I couldn't summon the energy to participate. I slumped in my seat, keeping my head down on the desk, the music blaring in my ears like a lifeline. The teacher's words were a distant murmur, drowned out by the relentless insults echoing in my head.

Finally, when the class ended, I gathered my books and hurriedly left the room, hoping to escape the torment that had become my daily routine. As I made my way through the bustling corridors, my ears caught yet another hurtful comment. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I didn't think; I just reacted. I bolted, my heart pounding as I weaved through the maze of students and lockers. The hallways blurred as I sprinted, desperation pushing me forward.

I burst through the nearest exit doors of the school, not stopping until I was outside, gulping in the fresh air. My legs carried me towards the parking lot, where Tyler's car was usually parked. But today, it was conspicuously absent. I stood there, breathing heavily, tears streaming down my face, feeling utterly alone.

Scanning my surroundings for solace, I spotted a church nearby. Without a concrete plan, I started walking towards it. The weight of the insults and isolation bore down on me, making each step heavier than the last. After a few minutes of walking, I reached the church's parking lot. Down a gentle slope behind the church, I noticed benches and tables nestled in the shade. There was also a small stream following gently behind the tables. It seemed secluded enough to escape from prying eyes on the street. With a heavy heart, I headed that way, hoping for a brief respite from the relentless torment.

I made my way down the old concrete stairs to the benches and took a seat at one of them. The weather was chilly, but in the sun, it wasn't too bad. I glanced around, taking in the sight of the church nestled in the small patch of woods that surrounded the school. It felt remarkably peaceful here, with birds singing their songs and squirrels darting around in the trees above.

Settling in, I continued to listen to music and scrolled through my phone, trying to escape the harsh reality of the school day. Then, I heard the distinct sound of someone descending the stairs. My heart skipped a beat, and I briefly considered making a run for it. But as I stole a quick glance, I realized it was just another student.

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