6: Evandale's Embrace

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*Chris POV*

I gazed out the window, my eyes scanning the passing landscape without really focusing on anything. My anxiety was always present, a constant companion in my mind. Last year's incident had left me with trust issues that made it hard for me to relax. But for now, in this moment, I felt a glimmer of ease.

The long drive from our bustling city in Missouri to the small town of Evandale on the East Coast gave me ample time to immerse myself in music. I rediscovered my love for metal, the genre that my mom used to tease me about. I struggled to recall the name she called it, but it lingered at the edge of my memory.

Summoning the courage, I cleared my throat and hesitantly turned to my mom, seated in the passenger seat. My voice was weak, betraying my lingering anxiety as I asked, "Uh, Mom, what did you used to call my metal music?" Her eyes met mine, and I could see tears welling up in her brown eyes.

"You remembered that?" Her voice trembled, mirroring my own fragility. The tears threatened to spill as she spoke. I quietly nodded.

"Emo shit" her response conveyed a mix of joy and hope. A small smile formed on her face, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Caught off guard by the emotional exchange, my father, who was driving and watching me through the rearview mirror, chimed in, his voice filled with optimism. "Look at that, son! You're remembering! I'm sure you'll be back to your old self in no time."

"Emo shit," I murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. That's what she used to call my music. I remembered her teasing me about it, a loving jest that felt like a distant memory. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for me to heal, to get better. As I listened to the familiar lyrics, it felt like they were unraveling some of the barriers in my fractured mind.

Bits and pieces of band names resurfaced, enough for me to want to find them again. Turning to my mom with a touch more confidence in my voice, I asked, "Mom, what's that band called again? 'Bring me' something? I can't remember the rest."

Confusion washed over her face, and I could see determination flicker in her eyes. "Surely, you didn't forget them?" she questioned, urging me to dig deeper. "You used to talk about them nonstop and whenever they released a new album you'd listen to it on repeat for weeks. Come on, think. You know this."

Puzzled, I searched my foggy memory for any hints. "Can I have a hint?" I asked sheepishly.

She paused for a moment, then replied, "The sun sets and rises on the..."

"The horizon?" I said slowly, my brows furrowing. Then realization struck, and my eyes widened. "That's right! It's Bring Me the Horizon! They're my favorite band. I remember now, I used to listen to them all the time. I saw them at that summer concert what was it called?"

I glanced at my mom, noticing her mouthing words. What was she trying to convey?

"The wrapped..." I blurted out, confused. "No, wait. Warped... tour!" Excitement filled my voice as the memories flooded back. "Warped Tour! That's where I first saw them live. They were the closing act of the day, and everyone was packed around the stage. They played longer than the other bands because they were the finale. They told all of us to get down and on three jump. When he screamed three we all jumped as the drums and guitars played and he continued screaming the lyrics."

I looked down at my lap for a moment, tears welling up in my eyes. "Mom, Dad," I managed to say, my voice cracking with overwhelming emotion. "I remember something other than that place." I gazed at them, unable to hold back my tears, but this time they were tears of joy. I was finally making progress. We all shared a heartfelt moment at my progress. Who knew a little music could help me unlock parts of me I thought were forever lost.

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