27: Hidden Scars

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*Chris POV*

"Go Tyler! Go Alex!" I heard Gabby's enthusiastic cheers from the bleachers where we were seated, watching their intense lacrosse practice. Her sudden outburst caught me off guard, making me jump slightly in my seat.

I glanced over at Emily, who seemed slightly annoyed by how loud Gabby was being. She reminded her, "You do realize this is just practice, right?" Despite her irritation, her lips curved into a faint smile as she observed the camaraderie among the players on the field.

"So? That doesn't mean I can't cheer for them!" Gabby responded.

As I settled back into my seat, I focused my attention on the field. The sun cast a warm golden glow on the players as they moved with agility and precision. Tyler and Alex, the ones Gabby was cheering for, stepped onto the field, exuding an air of confidence.

With lacrosse sticks in hand, Tyler and Alex stood ready to practice. The coach blew the whistle, and the two of them sprang into action. Their synchronization was impressive as they effortlessly passed the ball back and forth. Tyler's eyes were sharp and focused, tracking the ball's trajectory as it sailed through the air, while Alex moved with fluid grace, receiving the passes without missing a beat.

Their footwork was a dance of quick steps and sudden pivots, as they maneuvered around imaginary opponents. The thump of the ball hitting their sticks resonated in the air, accompanied by the sound of their cleats skimming the grass. Their movements were a testament to the countless hours they must have spent honing their skills, each practice session contributing to their seamless coordination.

A determined fire burned in their eyes, revealing their shared dedication to the sport. Every pass, every catch, and every shot was executed with precision, reflecting their passion and commitment. It was evident that their connection extended beyond the field; they were not just teammates but friends who understood each other's strengths and instincts.

As the practice continued, their energy remained unwavering. The coach's voice rang out, offering guidance and motivation. Even during moments of exhaustion, Tyler and Alex pushed each other forward, their determination unwavering. It was a beautiful display of teamwork and determination, a testament to the power of practice and the unbreakable bond that lacrosse had forged between them.

An hour had passed since the intense lacrosse practice had ended. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the field. I sat with Gabby and Emily on the bleachers, our anticipation growing as we waited for Alex and Tyler to join us.

As the players filed off the field, their jerseys glistening with sweat, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for the effort they had put into the practice. The sound of cleats on the pavement echoed through the air as Alex and Tyler made their way towards us, their faces flushed with exertion and smiles of satisfaction tugging at their lips.

"Hey, you two were amazing out there!" Gabby exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement as she leaned over the railing to greet them.

Tyler grinned, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration in his eyes. "Thanks, Gabby! Your cheers definitely gave us an extra boost."

Alex nodded in agreement, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, it's always motivating to hear you cheering for us."

Emily chimed in with a playful smirk, "Although I think you might have scared a few birds away with your enthusiasm."

Gabby playfully stuck her tongue out at Emily. "Hey, I just can't help it! They were on fire today!"

As the others chatted, I remained seated on the bleachers, lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, Tyler walked over to where I was sitting, his presence pulling me back to the present moment. "How're you?" he asked, his voice carrying genuine concern.

Fractured Fragments Pt.1 (BoyXBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें